Aussie Growers Thread

I don’t wanna grow em just wondering how old they look, it say it got alit but of pollen from the Pineapple Express that hermie on me I discovered that week 3 that’s why I have a few plants further behind then Bruce banner... it doesn’t look like the whole plant got pollinated I was gonna let it chill for a day or two and see what else is showing... mmm I can’t wsit to pop my greenpoint seeds n bomb seeds I think I might put some Texas butter n gorilla bomb in two cups tonight and start some diff genetics... how long do they need to soak 12 hours, then into paper towel
If yer gonna put them in water leave for 24hrs then put straight into medium to grow..if yer gonna go paper towel put them in there straight away once cracked put in medium
No need to do both methods together
I soak them for 24 hours before i put in paper towel
Yeah I was going to soak them this time... wait for a tap root to pop out then into jiffy pellets in a humidity dome... should get a couple of good ones out of 12 plants... hope I get good numbers on Texas butter
Getting an average of 39 of 42 questions right on the multiple choice sections. Might go in at the end of this month and give me official learners the first attempt.
Anyone here run rdwc? I've just started, I'm just wondering about rez temps in summer? Is it impossible without a chiller?

its not impossible but it really isnt worth the effort and risk. either spend the money and get a chiller or go a different route is my advice. i tried to make t work for way to long before i gave up and went to coco
the best method i have found for popping seeds so far is just putting them straight into coco. i water them in with a diluted nutrient solution about 1/4ml per litre.

it doesnt matter if they are in coco, in a shot glass or in a paper towel. if they are viable seed they are going to pop. Humidity domes are always a bad idea though. not sure who came up with that one but seeds dont need humidity and neither do seedlings it simply increases chances of damping off