Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Got a shock when I noticed the $ of these,I paid about 1/3 of the price and that was for 2 packs.
View attachment 4176641
Yeah I noticed that too... attitude marking up those good packs, I wonder how many pack they bought? Also all seeds have sunk doesn’t look tho any have cracked, soak em for another 12 hours and into jiffy’s... do they need light or just in the dark

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Aww tru i only bought from there the once n it was like a month ago... I should be ok I think
I think it's visa not sure wether MasterCard is in the same boat
And yep I was like fuck it I'll use my visa it won't happen to me
.after I got warned multiple times..done about 6 orders over 2 months before some cunt tried to rip stopped em but I still needed to order a new card

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Attitude started visa up again...With payofix
That could see a lot of customers revolt against attitude over the next 6 months

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
whats payofix?
Payofix are like a 3rd party bank card processor
So attitude take the orders n make the sale but payofix will run the card and male sure payment is made hence payofix not the tude will have you card details.
Some cunt or cunts from payofix is either stealing details or selling on details then using those to make purchases on your card.
Problem now is most banks won't let u use the cards for illegal purposes like seeds so payofix has been brought in to cover for that etc
It's given greenpoint hell from customers buy now it's at attitude and choice etc it will bring them down to once ppl start getting ripped off

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Since my card was scammed through a rental car mob I turn my international use off (you can do this in your internet banking) as soon as I see the transfer go through. Its a bit of a pain but saves having to wait for the funds to be credited back after a dispute.