Seedling 'Damping-off' trouble..


Well-Known Member
Damping off comes from too much water. A seedling in soil, while on a heating pad only needs about 15-20 ml of water every 48 hours. They barely have one taproot. It is too much water and the most common mistake..other than keeping them in a dome with cuttings that need way more humidity.
spot on. Heat, but not too much, the dome, and maybe some misting after first watering, jme.


Well-Known Member
Buy a bag of dirt. Soil. S-O-I-L. Like Fox Farms. Taste success. WTF is the deal with new growers and coco? Or hydro?

And reviving ancient threads?


Well-Known Member
LMFAO, I know what Im doin, I was quoting someone else, but thanks for your input. I like Indians better anyhow, lol


Active Member
I am confused by different opinions about adding nutes like Cal+Mag..
I did not add anything to the Coco, and PPM was very low like below 30ppm itself.
Maybe I should go for a Cal/Mag mix for the next try.

Thank you for your comments~

you act like cal mag is like a soil mix or something lol. all you gotta do is add it into your nutrient solution. There is no ill try it next time lol. if your plants new calcium and magnesium you need that product.


Active Member
criticism and not much scientific explanation ... that's easy.

Now if a Biologist/Botanist cares to chime in that would be awesome, so many growers with PM here in west Michigan and it all occurred the same week with hotspot's all over the state (cant speak for the UP though) and it(septoria leafspot and powdery mildew) came in with hot muggy air from the south- the 60ft maple trees all had SEPTORIA LEAFSPOT/EARLY BLIGHT it was all over the trees before it entered the garden.
that was the week we had terrible damping off in the 95F. degree weather where the heat index was in the 100s my guess is my seedling medias got too warm (pro-mix organic... pro-mix bales... pre washed coir) they all suffered damping off and it was the same seedling types ( beans and peas were the worst affected- spinach and broccoli next and very little in the lettuces) i think the susceptibility of certain crops and seed types when PM/Septoria fungus spores ppm spike because of environmental conditions ( High UV levels along with Dry weather followed by Heat and Humidity ) leading to Early Blight PM Septoria- many growers lamenting right now and cutting out the bad bits now the weather has cooled and dried out............. there has to be a better remedy than just not growing during the hottest part of the year in north America- Baking Soda? Hydrogen Peroxide ? Serenade? i know i would want to smoke any of those chems- any way to change the pH of the plant tissue instead- like run your containers more acid or more alkali at those times? lets solve problems instead of throwing stones please- (grower of various Flora since 1984 ;) ) and in my personal opinion Canna seedlings are pretty hardy compared to growing some vegetables (which can be very finicky) solutions not name calling-Aloha


Well-Known Member
At the first try, I used a dixie cup with holes at the bottom..
I removed them after damping off to destroy any infection..

I don't think it is the size of pot due to the same result..
Firstly what are you talking about here , what do you mean you remove them to destroy infection ? Did you yank them out of the cups before they were rootbound?
Anyway it is overwatering due to you watering when it doesnt need watering and the fucking giant buckets they are in. Bro you cant put tiny plants in big buckets as it take far too long for the medium to dry, killing the seedlings with lack of air.


Well-Known Member
I always water from the bottom on my small planter cups with seedlings. Just make sure you got holes in the bottom of the cup and put water in the plate or whatever you call your drain dish. Let it soak up enough water to increase the weight of the cup a little. I use these plastic cup starter things I stole from the wife. If I do get one that gets lanky and falls over I just pile some dirt at the stem and/or use a paper clip to make a little stand. That's a clone and that's not a paper clip but you get the idea.20180823_103700.jpg

BTW I use just seed starting soil with good results. There's Burpe, Vigero, etc. all at your local dirt store. I water the soil first and get "wetted" in before I plant then don't water it until the cup loses most of it's weight. I germ in soil too.
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Well-Known Member
How close are your CFL'S? If they are true 45watt/150 equivalent they should be at least 8" away from new seedlings. New seeds do not need a ton of light. If you need heat for the soil, use a heat mat.