When you say to hot, wat do you mean? Too high in ph? Or actually to high of a temperature?
lol no mate
when i say too hot i mean that the soil has far too many nutrients in it already(it has been supplied to you like that-its not your fault
) some soils are for plants that are only starting out in life(seedling etc)whereas some soils are for plants that already have their root systems established and only need transplanted(like a garden shrub that has outgrown its pot-sorry 4 bad example
so its possible that you have a soil that is for a more established(mature) plant than yours is at the minute.
the fact that you are feeding your babies as well isnt helping you'r little one's
, simply because of the soil having the necessary nutrients already in it....but dont panic all can be saved with a little TLC and a bit of advice.....
hope this helped you my friend...