atheist vs muslim

I think it’s insane that the MOMENT someone has an opposing view they’re Instantly labelled some kind of racist, Nazi, anti-this anti-that. . Like WTF. This is bigotry at its finest. Conformity. “These are my views and I want them to be yours. Conform”. But that’s just it, views and opinions are exactly all they are.

Anyone here claiming Hitler was a practising Christian is deluding themselves. But I’m not saying that he wasn’t a Christian either. I’m saying NOBODY really knows. There’s only opinions and speculations. If anyone knew for fact there would be no discussion. (Is God Real?)

And what I don’t get the most is WHY DOES IT MATTER?? Why does it matter that much to u today that randoms online think the exact same way as you, or they’re worthy of your insults? you’re willing to spend your life arguing, making life miserable (for everyone) in an attempt to “force” YOUR opinion and your view onto strangers.
Don’t get me wrong, debate IS healthy. An even ebb and flow of thoughts, ideals, beliefs. And potentially see things from a different perspective. Grow , I think they call it.

@schuylaar, u say the politics section or just politics isn’t any cause of divisiveness. Are u kidding me? Politics is the essence of divide lol. gimme a break.

citation and learn to read before you call me into a meltdown.
not sure what you are on about, how does this speak to the video I posted? I guess you saw "muslim" in the title and this is your knee jerk response?

maybe it was the guy holding the quran? maybe it was the other guy standing their with a kufi prayer hat on stroking his beard?
The buyers on the street were not all white. And the dealers were not all black.

But only white guys were rounded up. Everyone else was let go.

It doesn’t matter if it fits in with your own racism.
Guy you were the one to claim racism about your arrest...until you admitted you lied.
Why do you feel the need to claim racisms when none existed against you ?
so knee jerk response then, got it
Christians don't hold a monopoly on authoritarian zealots. There are plenty to go around in other religions including Islam.

That zealot harping creationism and other non argument arguments against science in the vid, for instance.

Science is best at describing the physical world. Religion cannot and has not done this task well at all. What science doesn't address is the mystical and intangible of the human psyche. Religion whether truly or falsely is better at satisfying that need in people. Religion's main use by people over the centuries is as a social organizing tool and to justify authority.
Guy you were the one to claim racism about your arrest...until you admitted you lied.
Why do you feel the need to claim racisms when none existed against you ?

Why do you constantly bring up an example from me if you are so persecuted by racism instead of an example from you?

And your bucksockness is showing.
Why do you constantly bring up an example from me if you are so persecuted by racism instead of an example from you?

And your bucksockness is showing.
Why do I need to bring up my racism experience in a thread for persecuted whites ? You took the bait and now it is stuck in your mouth.
Again why did you feel the need to make up a story about you being prosecuted for being white ? Did you think it would make you seem cool ?
Whiny little bitch, another pity party coming.

I just keep getting called back in. Sorry you get so upset. You are one of the instigators.

If you and a couple of others would just leave. This could turn into a discussion forum.

Til’ then. This is a silly hysterical troll feeding ground only.

And it’s so easy to turn you all into a bunch of angry trolls it’s pathetic.

Especially you private rummy.
Why do I need to bring up my racism experience in a thread for persecuted whites ? You took the bait and now it is stuck in your mouth.
Again why did you feel the need to make up a story about you being prosecuted for being white ? Did you think it would make you seem cool ?

You took the bait. That’s how you got caught as a bucksock.
I just keep getting called back in. Sorry you get so upset. You are one of the instigators.

If you and a couple of others would just leave. This could turn into a discussion forum.

Til’ then. This is a silly hysterical troll feeding ground only.

And it’s so easy to turn you all into a bunch of angry trolls it’s pathetic.

Especially you private rummy.
So your solution is to be triggered?