atheist vs muslim

Evidently you have serious issues! I am very good at reading comprehension, and I have seen the same things that others have seen.

Your "wife," using the profile MrsMedGrower, posted here and said that she was 5'2" tall, and weighed 210 pounds. She also said that she had health issues, which is not a surprise, since she is clinically obese.

So no one is "insulting" your wife, when they are only repeating what she posted.


No you only pretend you know.

All you know about me is I’m bored and posting against trolls who won’t stop.

She said it was 20 years ago and used the words back then.

And it is obviously being said facetiously.

So you do approve of insulting wives. At least mine. You sure don’t delete the insults to her like you delete the insults to others.

Since you the answering for a change.

Why was I punished for mildly bad language and others are not for much worse language?
No you only pretend you know.

All you know about me is I’m bored and posting against trolls who won’t stop.

She said it was 20 years ago and used the words back then.

And it is obviously being said facetiously.

So you do approve of insulting wives. At least mine. You sure don’t delete the insults to her like you delete the insults to others.

Since you the answering for a change.

Why was I punished for mildly bad language and others are not for much worse language?
you lying scum bag. You lie about everything. You aren't married to her. You use her in emotional pleas for pity by calling her your wife but you are just in a relationship of convenience. You even charge her rent. Jerk.
you lying scum bag. You lie about everything. You aren't married to her. You use her in emotional pleas for pity by calling her your wife but you are just in a relationship of convenience. You even charge her rent. Jerk.

You say you are a fair and moral person. Then you continuously repeat lies about me.

What a dink.

So upsetdog.

Guess he protects you too huh.
i just don't get why anyone would choose to humiliate themselves like this every day, day after day, all day long
Her ideal, or the ideal of the writer she stole this from?

It's not just her, rob roy says much of the same shit.

I liked the one where the person posting in the FOR column said anarchy could work if we still follow the rules religion gives us. Would that still be anarchy? Who decides what those vague rules mean in every situation? too funny that.

To be fair, Venus did mention a happy medium between anarchy and authoritarian. I'm not going to go back and wade through the other stuff she posted but I recall she said something like that.

No matter what, I'll still take unrealistic musings about how we should all just get along over what Trump's right wingers say. Venus is OK.
ah yes. all those people all over the weed sites. all those people and yet you can;t produce a single quote from any of them

are you OK? i think you need therapy, or alzheimer's treatment

Won’t produce a single quote. You have a bad habit of editing peoples comments and claiming definitives to pretend you’re smart. Just makes you look bad. Post after post you just go lower. So desperate.
Awww. Aren't these wonderful muslims so courageous to speak out against the polytheists, I mean atheists. Because to the muslim, even an atheist believes in a "God" or rather Allah, (There is no God, but Allah), which is that of another imaginary sky daddy, the imperialist western warmonger.

Yet western civilization doesn't throw gay people off rooftops, cut off the clitoris of little girls, throw acid on adulterers, or hunt down apostates and chop off their heads who dare speak out their true beliefs.

Any of these attitudes from another religion would be constituted as a cult, but since they've been running this scheme for over a thousand years and have over a billion followers they get the benefit of the doubt, and called a religion.

Here are some example of what Cultwatch believes represents mind control and cult warning signs:

  • Single charismatic leader.
  • People always seeming constantly happy and enthusiastic. Especially if you discover that they have been told to act that way for the potential new recruits.
  • Instant friends.
  • If you are told who you can or cannot talk to or associate with.
  • They hide what they teach.
  • Say they are the only true group, or the best so why go anywhere else.
  • Hyped meetings, get you to meetings rather than share with you.
  • Experiential rather than logical.
  • Asking for money for the next level.
  • Some cults travel door to door during times when women are home alone. They, and this is rather sexist, think that women are easier to recruit and once they have the woman then it will be easier to snare the husband or partner.
  • Saying that they have to make people pay for it because otherwise they will not appreciate it. This is of course a very silly reason, plenty of people are able to appreciate things which they did not pay for.
  • They do not allow their teachings or practices to be questioned. If you question, then automatically the group assumes that something is wrong with you. It can never be the case that anything is wrong with the group’s practices or teachings. Often they will try to shut you down by accusing you of having a “bad attitude”.
  • They will push you to obey by using guilt. They will demand complete “submission” to the group, its leaders and its teachings. They will do this by making you feel absolutely rotten about yourself. They will ridicule you and attack any weakness you might have (or invent weaknesses you might have if they can’t find any). Their goal is to break your will by causing you mental anguish.
Awww. Aren't these wonderful muslims so courageous to speak out against the polytheists, I mean atheists. Because to the muslim, even an atheist believes in a "God" or rather Allah, (There is no God, but Allah), which is that of another imaginary sky daddy, the imperialist western warmonger.

Yet western civilization doesn't throw gay people off rooftops, cut off the clitoris of little girls, throw acid on adulterers, or hunt down apostates and chop off their heads who dare speak out their true beliefs.

Any of these attitudes from another religion would be constituted as a cult, but since they've been running this scheme for over a thousand years and have over a billion followers they get the benefit of the doubt, and called a religion.

have you got a reference for muslims believing that athiests believe in a God? and I'm sure I can find a few examples of how the western civilisation has treated gays and other minorities in their society
have you got a reference for muslims believing that athiests believe in a God? and I'm sure I can find a few examples of how the western civilisation has treated gays and other minorities in their society

Many Imams consider an atheist and polytheist to be synonyms because of scientists like Einstein and Hawking who take the Spinoza view of the universe is God, who creates from itself, who then equate with "Allah" their own version, making them the what's called Mushrik.

An atheist must also pay jizya(poll tax for the polytheists) If a polytheist disagrees, he's an enemy of Muhammad the prophet of Allah, and must be killed for not submitting to the will of it's prophet Muhammad.

It doesn't matter if you can find examples, that's not the prevailing view in the western world and what Islam means is submission (or else) to Allah.

Muhammad makes it very clear that gays are an abomination to Allah, and unlike an unbeliever, you can't pay a jizya as a "people of Lot" the ones who did God (Allah) killed for doing homosexual acts. Therefore many Imams tell their people to do what Allah what did to the people of Lot, and kill them.

A word on atheists:
From this we can learn that atheists too are mushrikiin due to their denial of Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ prophethood. atheists generally only posit two primary arguments in regards to their beliefs regarding Allah, The Creator of everything:

a) the filthy atheists allege that the universe is eternal, thereby implying that the universe is its own creator. This is most certainly shirk to call the creation as its own creator, in addition to plain mental retardation, as is the case with the likes of stephen hawking.

b) the filthy atheists allege that the universe does have a starting point, and does have a creator, but they do not believe in Allah, His Messengers and Islam. As the explanation given in Imam Khazen’s Tafsiir dictates, that too makes them mushrikiin due to their denial of the prophethood of our Master Rasulullah ﷺ.