New to indoor, soil questions


Active Member
ok im new to indoor just got a 250w hps. what i want to know is generally whats the best soil to use. what r the light times. basically i want a quick general guide for indoor.


Active Member
Fox Farm Ocean Forrest is the best. Miracle Grow organic has worked good but comes with a lot of gnats. 24 hours for veg and 12 light 12 dark for flowering

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I do the 24/0. I read an article where the growth rate is much faster and most use the 16/8 to 18/6 to save a few penny's. I only use organic shit, most can be bought at the local Nursery at a better price. See if you can bring up the 'Marijuana Growing Guide'.


Active Member
Fox Farm Ocean Forrest is the best. Miracle Grow organic has worked good but comes with a lot of gnats. 24 hours for veg and 12 light 12 dark for flowering
Yea, I read Fox Farms is the best also. But would you/I still need to mix perlite in aswell or some other type of medium?


Well-Known Member
18/6 doesn't really save you any money, because the plants grow slower, so you have to run the lights more days to get the same level of growth that 24/0 would have given you in fewer days. There are really only two reasons to use 18/6 in veg: 1) you want your plants to grow slower (because you won't have room to flower them for a while), and/or 2) your ventilation isn't good enough to keep the temps at a reasonable level without a lights-off cool-down period.

Ocean Forest rocks. You can reuse it too, if you add some solid-form nutrients to it after each use. I usually use my Ocean Forest soil three or four times, then toss it into the garden. You can stretch it even more by adding some perlite, yes. But it has some in it already, so it's not vital or anything. I've actually had better plants just using Ocean Forest and nothing else.