
Well-Known Member
Soil ph is not somthing i would read, not for a short crop in good soil. Its not somthing i could change mid flower either.

Soil is set and grow not hydro where changes can happen quick.
You may have answered your own question if the PH was out of range.
Need more info and pics of whole plants to help further.
What brand of soil?
Which method are using to measure PH?
What is your current feed regime? (Nutrients used, how much, how often, do you know your EC/PPM?)

Keep in mind it’s common to need to progressively kick up the EC in flower (for healthy, thriving plants), but if the ph is not in range, your plants wont use anything you feed them and will show the deficiencies you’re describing.
Dont bother with ph in soil, most potting soil is buffered and you have no way to read its potential let alone a stable ph.
Testing PH-in and PH-out helped me get a grasp on the soil condition, I use EC now and test PH periodically. IMO, these practices are great for learning to grow.