White genocide?

wanna do some white genocide?

  • Yeah let’s do white genocide

  • No please don’t white genocide me

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Anyone that's for exterminating any race has serious issues, especially if they think this will end racism. Get a grip. Youll just go to some other scape goat that doesn't fit your norm.
In the words of Rodney King.

Cant we all just get along??

IMHO anyone suggesting anything, against any other race would constitute mental illness, and is no better/different than a NAZI/KKK, or any of the other cults that I would be happy to help exterminate.

When I was in federal prison, after 2 years they brought in a new guy as my cellie, and come to find out he was in for a hate crime. He was white. Im white. IM also married to a MINORITY/FILIPINA.

As soon as I heard he had burned a cross in a biracial couples yard, and almost killed their little baby, I let all of my black friends in the unit know what this motherfucker was in for.
No way I was going to bunk with a fucking KKK/Skinhead.
MFer found out real fast whats up. We had a nice integrated unit, and most everyone got along fine.

My 1st cellie was a Farrakhan follower, and wa the @1 guy at the prison... even we got along, and Id bring him stuff back from the kitchen where I worked, nand I GIVE him stuff. Not charge him as I had money, and didn't need to make any, so I gave shit to people that may have issues with whites, or is generally a miserable person, so maybe I could make a positive impression on some people.
I made a genuine effort to be nice to some of these people, and it worked on many of them.

I was also friends with many Mexicans in there, and they were some of the nicest people I encountered in prison.

We played guitars together, Soccer, and considering it was prison, I made some really, really great minority friends in prison, and they continue to be friends to this day. Over 20 years later.

My KKK Cellie ended up getting shanked in the gut, and was never brought back.

If youre a BIGOT, and in my face, or vicinity, and spewing your shit, you better stay away from me, or you've had it. And if I cant fuck with you straight up. You better not sleep, or turn your back.
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We covered this and everything else your obsessed self keeps calling me for.

No one but you cares. It’s all out of context and trolled and re-trolled. You are boring. And tedious. Your plan to ban me didn’t work and now you are the poorest loser.

What a shame you spend all your free time this way. It’s pathetic.
So what exactly did I take out of context here, no-nuts?
Humanism is all about mocking racist liars like you

No. It sure isn’t about making up mean lies about someone and insulting their wife.

But that’s all you do now.

You are only a hate monger. And a naive and easily manipulated one.

Hang it up kid. You are resorting to insulting women and threatening legal medical growers with federal law we are trying to eliminate.

Don’t pull an Uncle buck folks. Makes you a hypocrite.
You only post when buck gets upset and is supposed to be at work.

Obvious bucksock.
i don't work on saturdays

and you told london, who is a black military veteran, that he only succeeded due to affirmative action. very racist of you

but based on your PM from last night, i understand you are lashing out at black people based on your own insecurities. your "wife" forces you to watch her take many black lovers, and you told me you feel that this has had a negative effect on your treatment of all black people

that is an issue with which therapy will help you. good luck!
i don't work on saturdays

and you told london, who is a black military veteran, that he only succeeded due to affirmative action. very racist of you

but based on your PM from last night, i understand you are lashing out at black people based on your own insecurities. your "wife" forces you to watch her take many black lovers, and you told me you feel that this has had a negative effect on your treatment of all black people

that is an issue with which therapy will help you. good luck!

You told this lie on another thread you look stupid and angry in already.

Why do I upset you so?
You told this lie on another thread you look stupid and angry in already.

Why do I upset you so?

you're just trying to bait me into posting all your embarrassing PMs. not gonna happen

i hope you find a healthier way to work through your rage other than racism and bigoted homophobia
scum bag appeals to pity for insults to his "wife". Scum bag isn't married and collects rent from "wife"

Marrying somebody is commitment beyond a financial agreement. You don't just call somebody a wife or husband as a matter of convenience. Unless the person who does so is a lying scumbag.

Why do you continually make up lies about me? Aren’t you smart enough to troll with the truth?

It’s rhetorical so please keep down your word salad wall of text.