atheist vs muslim

Look up David Wood on YouTube @Acts17apologetics
I learned the very darkest secrets of Islam from him, as he navigates through tons of Muslim sources such as Sudan ibn majah, sahih al bukhari, Sunni muslim, Sunan abu dawud. Islam isn't complete with just the Quran, hadiths are just as important to the religion.

have muslims ever committed anything as heinous as the holocaust?

because white christians pulled that doozy
have muslims ever committed anything as heinous as the holocaust?

because white christians pulled that doozy

"White christians"
Define christian
I dont like to compare tragedies
Islam does have tons of tragedy under its belt, supported by actual doctrine.
Just for starters
Have you ever heard of the islamic slave trade?
"White christians"
Define christian
I dont like to compare tragedies
Islam does have tons of tragedy under its belt, supported by actual doctrine.
Just for starters
Have you ever heard of the islamic slave trade?

the holocaust was committed by a 98% white and christian country

no slavery has ever been worse than the chattel slavery committed by america, also an overwhelmingly white and christian nation when that tragedy happened

white christians reign supreme when it comes to barbarity and uncivilized cruelty
the holocaust was committed by a 98% white and christian country

no slavery has ever been worse than the chattel slavery committed by america, also an overwhelmingly white and christian nation when that tragedy happened

white christians reign supreme when it comes to barbarity and uncivilized cruelty

Is there any christian doctrine that supports these actions. I now muhammad married a 9 year old girl and consumated when she was 12 while he was in his 50's. He also would raid villages kill all the men and take the women as sex slaves. He would kill homosexuals and anyone that did not convert. He would say that a arab slave is worth two black slaves. That the testimony of a woman is half that of a man. He only let people of the book" christians and jews" pay jizyah and become dhimma. But that did not last long.
Is there any christian doctrine that supports these actions. I now muhammad married a 9 year old girl and consumated when she was 12 while he was in his 50's. He also would raid villages kill all the men and take the women as sex slaves. He would kill homosexuals and anyone that did not convert. He would say that a arab slave is worth two black slaves. That the testimony of a woman is half that of a man. He only let people of the book" christians and jews" pay jizyah and become dhimma. But that did not last long.

white christian americans used the bible to justify chattel slavery you dolt

if you're not too busy worrying about some fairy tale book from centuries ago, you may want to worry about trump raping 13 year old katie johnson when he was in his 50s
white christian americans used the bible to justify chattel slavery you dolt

if you're not too busy worrying about some fairy tale book from centuries ago, you may want to worry about trump raping 13 year old katie johnson when he was in his 50s

I have been studying chirstian and islamic apologetics for a while and context is .
I haven't heard of that story, ill look into it. I already dont like trump he is a egotistic idiot that has done tons of horrible things and he should not have been president, but if this is true it will really make me despise him.
There are 3 references which arguably refer to atheists in the Quran. There are questions put to them such as; (from memory) you were nothing before you are now so how is there no God as you wouldn’t be created.
Can’t remember the other 2 as I’m wasted

those questions have nothing to do with muslims believing that atheists believe in God
[QUOTE="blaze 57, post: 14411508, member: 539860”]

Islamic terror training camps do exist in America.

Thanks trump
Your meme is giant and annoying...kind of like my member !


Why does everyone hate every fucking religion... I do not get it

Christianity in itself helps people to be better people. Excluding that weird shit they do in the USA where most hate poor people and Joel Olsteen will tell you jesus is a piggy bank of faith. All of that is not true. Real Christian people actually help other people..what a concept.

Real muslims might actually do the same. I am too busy watching the street for ISIS activity to tell.
Your meme is giant and annoying...kind of like my member !


Why does everyone hate every fucking religion... I do not get it

Christianity in itself helps people to be better people. Excluding that weird shit they do in the USA where most hate poor people and Joel Olsteen will tell you jesus is a piggy bank of faith. All of that is not true. Real Christian people actually help other people..what a concept.

Real muslims might actually do the same. I am too busy watching the street for ISIS activity to tell.
well, if people could keep their religion to themselves, people might be more tolerant. it just seems that all the religious jerk offs aren't too particular about where they ejaculate. i keep my personal philosophy to myself, if not involved in a discussion about personal views, keep your religion off of me
Your meme is giant and annoying...kind of like my member !


Why does everyone hate every fucking religion... I do not get it

Christianity in itself helps people to be better people. Excluding that weird shit they do in the USA where most hate poor people and Joel Olsteen will tell you jesus is a piggy bank of faith. All of that is not true. Real Christian people actually help other people..what a concept.

Real muslims might actually do the same. I am too busy watching the street for ISIS activity to tell.

it has something to do with 'excluding that weird shit they do in the USA..':lol:

second biggest supporter of israel, are texas evangelicals.
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