Too much information what is my issue?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
well, to begin with, you can run your temps close to ten degrees higher with co2.
those look both overwatered and overfed.
how strong are you feeding? how much, how often?
what are you ph'ing to?
are you letting them sit in their run off water? are you watering enough to get run off?


Feeding when needed (soil is dry and pot are light) feeding as recommended but on lower end bio Vega 8 ml per gal rhizotonic 8 mil per gal calmag 5 mil per gallon silica blast 10 ml per gal
Using compost tea once a week without nutes. Minimal to No run off. Ph is 6.6 I do have a a 2nd room feeding same and it is 100% healthy but slightly warmer temps


Well-Known Member
Don't know why one room would be different then the other. Your dosages seem least the vega. But the compost tea might be too strong. Did you make it? Castings? Some of that stuff can contain lots of N. Just a thought.

PS Nute burn seems to be an issue of total pps of everything...even the Ca and Mg in the water. So you may not be able to figure out exactly what caused it.


Don't know why one room would be different then the other. Your dosages seem least the vega. But the compost tea might be too strong. Did you make it? Castings? Some of that stuff can contain lots of N. Just a thought.
Compost tea in a box. Mixed per instructions fed 3/4 gal per plant


Well-Known Member
I'd suggest dropping the tea on that plant and maybe even reduce the others a bit too while it recovers.

And you know what the rule is for following instructions. (even with compost tea) Always assume they are too strong.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
getting a little run off at least every other watering would help, i think you're getting a lot of built up salts in your pots. i'd water the next time with just ph'ed water, then get at least ten % run off each time.


Well-Known Member
getting a little run off at least every other watering would help, i think you're getting a lot of built up salts in your pots. i'd water the next time with just ph'ed water, then get at least ten % run off each time.

Think of feeding your plants as adding water with different coloured marbles in.
The plants eat some more than others at times. But every time you don't wash out the old water and marbles, a few stay behind and gets added to with the next feeding...
Even feeding only low concentrations, the number of marbles in the bucket grows steadily...


Well-Known Member
You didn't mention what pH you water at......make sure it's between 6.2-6.3. But to me, it looks like multiple issues. I'd say over watering because of the droop and the leave tips show over fertilization.