I just smoked 3 days ago and i havent smoked in 5 months will i pass a drug test tommorow?

I have seen this work at least 10 times.
Get your buddies clean piss.
Put it in a small plastic container with a hand warmer to get it to temp.

Hide it in your crotch when you go in.

If they watch you piss your fucked.
Do not drink a shitload of water. The tests come back "Indeterminate". Not a positive but universally seen as attempts to confuse the assay and thus deemed "Positive". Don't try to flush.
You can actually flush but you have to consume something to darken your urine. Try looking for this stuff in a local headshop. Follow directions and it will work even for lab test.

You can actually flush but you have to consume something to darken your urine. Try looking for this stuff in a local headshop. Follow directions and it will work even for lab test.


I used one about 3 years ago called "Absolute". I just went in and asked the guy at the counter what was working. He said Absolute was the one lately he hasn't had many people come in to bitch. Read and followed the label. The lady said I was diluted so I told her I drank a red bull on my way there. She made me sit around for 30 min, drink a cup of water, then wait 15 and try and pee. I did that all day. 6hrs later and about 1hr from close I finally got an "acceptable" sample.

I knew what was up.
They knew what was up.

Wasn't a good time. I only used it 1 other time and that was 2 years ago. Same thing. Lady looked at my puss and said it looked pretty clear. Just told her I drank lots of coffee that day. She passed me.

The shit works you just gotta know everything behind it.

You shall not pass.

Having my doubts at this point. Buddy probably freaked and loaded himself full of water like everybody said.

I've got UA's down to a science for myself.
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If these things actually cleanse ... Could you just take one and have your tolerance for cannabis just reset ? Lol sounds like a money saver.

Something tells me these just coat your system for a certain amount of time, or dilute you to the point your pissing water.
If these things actually cleanse ... Could you just take one and have your tolerance for cannabis just reset ? Lol sounds like a money saver.

Something tells me these just coat your system for a certain amount of time, or dilute you to the point your pissing water.

Wouldn't that be nice?

Unfortunately they do just dilute you to the point you're pissing water. And extra nutrients and vitamins. They work, kinda
What if you were in the Olympics?
My luck is it would be a blood test and id still have freds piss in me.

You were right
if someone is dumb enough to take drugs when they know being drug testing is a thing for them well they can enjoy being pissed in lol
Quick fix 6.1 is synthetic urine you our in the pee cup. Make sure it is body temp. I have NEVER failed a test. even with "expired" units.
Thank you to everyone that posted! Im am going to drink about 4 cups of water 4 hours before the test and then im going to pray! I will give you all feedback if i can :/
I don't know for sure, but I read that Niacin can clean you out in a few days, if you take allot of it (2000mg. daily) and drink allot of water. But in one day? All I can tell you is shit in one hand and wish in the other.

Niacin basically just keeps your pee yellow when you flush.

I had like barely any weed from a bowl and I only got high for like 4 hours, this is now 3 days in and i have a drug test tomorrow! This was something i wasn't told until after i smoked! I dont smoke much at all. (5 months and then this one time) will i be clean or should i dilute. (Cant afford or have time to buy synthetic)

I used to have my captains licence. I've passed a lot of urine screens. I had to smoke here and there in those days. Worst/best 10 years of my life.

Timing is everything. The conservatory would watch me pee so synthetic wasn't an option. I had to make it to a conservatory and screen in 24 hours from finding out so I took a few when I found out and a few the next morning. Don't take too much or it will flush your skin not your pee and turn you all red. Too much will also make your pee bright yellow.
The morning of you wanna pee a few times. Definitely don't give them any of that morning piss. Key is piss like an hour or so ahead of time. Hopefully the niacin makes your pee just yellow enough. I also am skinny, have a high metabolism, and very active. Acting casual and not being anxious can go a long way too. I kinda gave the nurse a hard time in a good way usually too. I once said: you won't tell the other girls about my incredibly small penis will you? Haha we were friendly by then and she was flirty. She might not have even looked at the results? It didn't go back to the lab unless you failed the dip test she administered .

If it's a mouth swab they do those where I work now. They are so cheap no one really passes or fails the weed part. Everyone gets a really light line so they don't really look at it. They are more worried about meth/heroin.