What’s going on? (Pics)


Well-Known Member
Yea, I’ve been watering with nestle life I think it’s called, but reducing the ph to around 5.8.

Plant has taken a turn for the worse now too! I really don’t know if I’m under watering it? I’ve been a bit reluctant to water it too much as I know it’s a common problem, and I am 99% sure that I haven’t overwatered.
Bottom leaves went really yellow, and today I’ve opened it up and it is wilted as hell!! Is this an under watering issue and can it be saved? I transplanted to a bigger pot once I’ve found it wilted.

I must admit though, I’ve left a warm mist humidifier in the tent with it, though the extractor has been running so I didn’t think it would cause issue, but it seems to have gotten way worse the last couple days having humidifier in the tent. Pics of her now. Should I give up or could it pull through?



Well-Known Member
Leaves are really thin, not like they’re holding too much water, so I really don’t know! Maybe I’ll have to chalk this grow down to experience!


Well-Known Member
I thought I’ve probably underwatered it as I was too conscious not to over water it. Will it recover from this? I’ve repotted into a bigger pot as roots were at the base of the pot, and given it a watering.

Chances of survival?


Well-Known Member
When a plant goes yellow from the bottom up, its almost always because its hungry. Also, I'd never recommend transplanting something as a means of "making things better" when it is already not doing well. Transplanting is more for healthy plants outgrowing their current pot and can/wilI cause stress on a healthy plant. I'd add some low strength feed (keep it basic for now at 1-1-1) and keep the medium moist. Probably stay in the 250-300 ppm range at that plants size and maturity. I believe coco should be treated like hydro as well, and your pots look dry as hell. Just my .02 though....


Well-Known Member
Cheers hydro, taken that all on board!

I’ve watered her now, though like you said transplanting was probably a bad idea... I was in two minds weather I was going to throw it and start from scratch, but decided to transplant. In hindsight that was a bad idea!

I’ve given it a good watering now and will keep my eye on it and make sure it gets fed properly. Haven’t got any nutes but may get some in in that case. I was under the impression that since it has guano, calcium, magnesium etc in the coco that I wouldn’t really need many nutes but if you think it would be a benefit then I’ll get them in!


Well-Known Member
ok, I'd advise just watering a cpl times a day then. The yellowing is likely from being hungry. Though the nutrients are in the medium, I believe it wasnt being watered enough to deliver them.


Well-Known Member
Should I be watering until run off? I was previously only watering small amounts maybe 80ml per day, and skipping if it felt damp an inch or 2 deep, though I have fully watered today.

Water until run off a couple times a day or water a small amount a couple times a day?


Well-Known Member
I'd water to runoff for the first watering just to saturate the medium, then add to keep it moist (not overly wet). You should be able to gauge by how deep in the medium is moist, and how heavy the pot is before/after watering. Im not a coco guy so i may not be the best advice to you on this thread. You should see it perk up in the next day if it was just thirsty like I believe it was.


Active Member
Hi all,

I’m a N00b and am on my first grow.

Plant has been looking good, but have gone out today and come back to it looking, well, judge for yourself!

It was full and branching outwards when I went out, I’ve come back and it seems to be almost closing?

Any idea? Water I’ve been feeding is ph 5.8, and it’s only had water, around 60ml per day. Growing in tropic vat mix with guano.

On a 20/4 light schedule, using 250w sinmaster light. Temp and humidity are good. Temp sometimes gets to around 31 but usually around 27 with humidity around 55-60%.

Any idea why she’s closing up? Broke ground on 7th July.

Thanks for your help guys!
i think its the heat in your tent, what was ur temp at the time?


Well-Known Member
i think its the heat in your tent, what was ur temp at the time?
Hi mate,

The guys above cracked it, it was actually that I was so careful as to not overwater the plant that I was starving it! Not 100% that’s why it was closing, but it was certainly why it looked like it was dead a day or so later, and as it was around the same time so I kinda put it down to a lack of water/nutrients.

I’d be fucked without you lot

Much respect to you all!


Active Member
Hi mate,

The guys above cracked it, it was actually that I was so careful as to not overwater the plant that I was starving it! Not 100% that’s why it was closing, but it was certainly why it looked like it was dead a day or so later, and as it was around the same time so I kinda put it down to a lack of water/nutrients.

I’d be fucked without you lot

Much respect to you all!
I left my plants with my boy thinking he knows what he is doing (now i know he is just a yes man lol) i came back a day later and my plants was much worse then urs lol..looked crispy almost. I checked the set up he done and he had the 600mh so close to her the clown. now they are with me and looking like a bush. glad you sorted it tho as so much time goes into these bitches

The guys on this site are great people with a crazy amount of knowledge that will help you grow the dank shizz

you will get better as you grow more and a better understanding of the plant.

like you said its all a learning curve for you/us all.

I live in the UK too and cannot wait till it becomes legal ere(if it ever does), will run my own coffee shop lol
Keep it up bra. i will soon put my ladies up

Im all about growing and if i could that would be the only thing i will be doing.



Well-Known Member
I left my plants with my boy thinking he knows what he is doing (now i know he is just a yes man lol) i came back a day later and my plants was much worse then urs lol..looked crispy almost. I checked the set up he done and he had the 600mh so close to her the clown. now they are with me and looking like a bush. glad you sorted it tho as so much time goes into these bitches

The guys on this site are great people with a crazy amount of knowledge that will help you grow the dank shizz

you will get better as you grow more and a better understanding of the plant.

like you said its all a learning curve for you/us all.

I live in the UK too and cannot wait till it becomes legal ere(if it ever does), will run my own coffee shop lol
Keep it up bra. i will soon put my ladies up

Im all about growing and if i could that would be the only thing i will be doing.

For real, I mean, I’ve been saying to the misses for a while it will be legal soon. We just got the ok to use cannabis based products for medicinal purposes. Won’t be long if you ask me my friend!!

I look forward to visiting your coffee shop!

And gave it to your friend to look after was brave! I’m sure that won’t be happening again after they tried to cremate your poor plant!!!!


Active Member
For real, I mean, I’ve been saying to the misses for a while it will be legal soon. We just got the ok to use cannabis based products for medicinal purposes. Won’t be long if you ask me my friend!!

I look forward to visiting your coffee shop!

And gave it to your friend to look after was brave! I’m sure that won’t be happening again after they tried to cremate your poor plant!!!!
I really hope so bro that would almost be like winning the lotto ha and if it does happen you can come anytime, iv been to a few coffee shops in the UK got there address from insta but boy oh boy they try charge £70 for 3.5 of some supposedly usa bud lol i could get better weed from my local dealer lol

but i thought ill go to try new bud but that was a flop within its self.

I think by the time weed becomes legal it will be the year 2030/40 but hoping im wrong.

i tell ya what tho iv gotten breeder seeds and seeds from my guy who grows in the UK (also breeds).
i grew a few of his seeds and damn it came out really good and was super easy to grow. im thinking the seeds was use to the UK climate maybe or something im not sure.