Greenpoint seeds!!

The main zipper on my tent broke, so I cannot reach the lights to flip to white only, these pics were from the side window. Next time I open the main door I will do the whole harvest in one go and the tent has to come down and be replaced. Sort of a pain in the ass, might force me to pull a tad early.

Funny thing about technology, one can know all about what’s best and not necessarily have made the investment to get it yet, I occasionally get tired of being “schooled” about it every fucking time. I have deep understanding and half-assed gear, lol.

I’ll do the mansplaining around here, kids, it’s the least I deserve, and it’s what I am accustomed to. Let me tell you about feminism, ladies. Har har! Yust yolking. I think I must be a bit high...
Growing is like golf.
An expensive set of clubs won't help if you haven't mastered the fundamentals of the game.

Hell I still run a couple of 600s on 220v, which isn't terrible as far as efficiency goes.
And plants *really* dig mixed spectrum (HPS + bare bulb MH).
Growing is like golf.
An expensive set of clubs won't help if you haven't mastered the fundamentals of the game.

Hell I still run a couple of 600s on 220v, which isn't terrible as far as efficiency goes.
And plants *really* dig mixed spectrum (HPS + bare bulb MH).
Some of the best results I ever had, in terms of quality, were with a mix of shitty blurple, t5, and cfl, at 1050 watts total. Now I am doing easily as well with 230 fewer watts. I liked growing with 600 HPS, but I got a good deal on these lights and didn’t want to buy another Hortilux bulb.
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Some of the best results I ever had, in terms of quakity, were with a mix of shitty blurple, t5, and cfl, at 1050 watts total. Now I am doing easily as well with 230 fewer watts. I liked growing with 600 HPS, but I got a good deal on these lights and didn’t want to buy another Hortilux bulb.
One of the coolest things about running mixed spectrum is that cheap $20 bulbs work great!
If I was only running HPS, Hortilux would be worth the extra moolah.
One of the coolest things about running mixed spectrum is that cheap $20 bulbs work great!
If I was only running HPS, Hortilux would be worth the extra moolah.
I still want to try 1180 watts of Vipar and HPS over an 120cm2 tent, since I already have it, but I need to get my ventilation game dialed in first, can’t hack this rental up too badly, need to move. A mix of 3000k mid power strips and blue-ass vipar might be equally interesting
I popped a half pack of those ecto cooler testers but suddenly had other priorities, I thought it sounded good too but then OBS blew my mind and I said “fuck it” and culled the Chickasaw Coolers. Now I have about 5 strains in the fridge with Cali O in the mix and probably won’t run any until I need to replace my OBS keeper. I broke a secondary cola off a bit ago and once dry, with 0 cure, it tastes surprisingly like a good Sour Tangie, I have absolute faith it will cure out like a champ. Maybe Gu~ came to the conclusion I did, he already produces a winning orange strain, might having more than one dilute the value of it?
I know what you men about that orange blossom special. It is some great smoke . My brother still asking if i have somemore OBS . I tell him no for the tenth time. like i'm hoarding it for myself,but i'm not sad to say its gone. tell i pop the rest of the pack . popped 3 got one female and a male.
I know what you men about that orange blossom special. It is some great smoke . My brother still asking if i have somemore OBS . I tell him no for the tenth time. like i'm hoarding it for myself,but i'm not sad to say its gone. tell i pop the rest of the pack . popped 3 got one female and a male.
Shit, I haven’t even properly harvested and cured mine, I can just tell! Can’t wait to see what this coming harvest is like three months down the road.
I know what you men about that orange blossom special. It is some great smoke . My brother still asking if i have somemore OBS . I tell him no for the tenth time. like i'm hoarding it for myself,but i'm not sad to say its gone. tell i pop the rest of the pack . popped 3 got one female and a male.
I should have snagged a pack of OBS back when the auctions were still running.
Had one in my cart for $25 out the door but decided to wait for one more price drop... :dunce: :wall: :dunce:
I should have snagged a pack of OBS back when the auctions were still running.
Had one in my cart for $25 out the door but decided to wait for one more price drop... :dunce: :wall: :dunce:
Bodega Bubblegum and Dreamcatcher are the ones that have escaped me so far...but I already have more potentially great beans than I can run in my life, given the current scale of my op.

Someday we should all go Johnny Potseed style and throw cannabis seeds everywhere every spring, worldwide.
Growing is like golf.
An expensive set of clubs won't help if you haven't mastered the fundamentals of the game.

Hell I still run a couple of 600s on 220v, which isn't terrible as far as efficiency goes.
And plants *really* dig mixed spectrum (HPS + bare bulb MH).

I was wondering if he received bad report's since they never cleared the tester page. Could just be lack of interest aswell.
Aug 15,2018
Wanted to have somthing good or positive .
Thomahawk ,seeds sprouted like champs ,the center are twisting out real bad pheno. Never had this before
I was running the stairs for a workout ;)

But yeah just keeping my head down for a bit. Summer is slow season anyways.

Still have the 666 Sale coming up soon and a bunch of new stuff in the pipe.
Hi Gu~
GREAT to hear you are OK.

Would love to get a more detailed update from you on what's going on for GPS these days. A few areas that people are eager to hear about include . . .
Can you give us an update on where things are with the website?
Auctions: I think we all assume there was a technical reason for killing the auctions, but I guess it could be just running low on inventory? No sense giving it away when you only have a few.
Nuggets: Any progress with the vendor that wrote the nugget code in fixing the bug? Timeline?
Shipping: Would you say the storm has passed?

New genetics:
You've mentioned recently that you were going to begin work on your own feminized lines. Response was overwhelmingly positive (despite some people's personal feelings on one of your "advisors".) Can you give us an idea on how things are going? Gotta keep that money pump primed :-)
Any new work coming using the Stadawg male? How long until you make the final cut on the current "testers" and move the keepers into normal rotation?
Any update from "Partner" breeders like CV on new lines to be sold through GPS? There are MANY people waiting eagerly for the CV end of summer drop.

Any new sales on the horizon for Aug/Sept? You mentioned the 666 sale, but I'm probably not the only one who has no idea what that is . . .
Details man :-) This thread on RIU is where all your most dedicated customers come for info.

Thanks in advance for any info you can share, and on behalf of your customers, we are ALL happy that you are free and safe.
Even the trolls ( what would they do without you?) :-)

I've grown out two packs of Raindance and they all had pink pistils I think.

This one was from my last run with Raindance
View attachment 4181234
Current run and different plant. The deformed leaves are from a phytoplasma infection.
View attachment 4181242

Current run and different plant and it also has a phytoplasma infection
View attachment 4181243

Last run with the camera flash on
View attachment 4181244

Unfortunately it's only a novelty while they're growing, the pistils recede and dry normal. Here's one from the last run near the finish line.
View attachment 4181246

And the last pic of that plant before the chop
View attachment 4181247
Nice pics. Yeah, I wasn't expecting them to stay pink when dried, I just think it's cool to see. The only other time I've seen pink pistils was on a Mr. Nice G13xSkunk I grew about 5 years ago.
Nice pics. Yeah, I wasn't expecting them to stay pink when dried, I just think it's cool to see. The only other time I've seen pink pistils was on a Mr. Nice G13xSkunk I grew about 5 years ago.
Pink pistils in MNS lines usually come from one of Shanti's skunk males.
I'm kinda pumped about my SDK. I thought I had three females though... and ended up with just two. I swear I was watching one form female parts for two weeks and I even found a hair, but then it got out into flip and balls appeared so I think I must of just been seeing things. The two SDK females I do have could not be any more different. One is very tall, with long wide sativa leaves, it has a bit more color to it as well. Pretty funky smell. Then there is the other one that is literally half its sisters size. With very tight smaller stubby leaves. More of an indica hybrid. It doesn't have much smell or color at all. I'm excited to see the genetic variation on these, and the smells and colors of course.
I should have snagged a pack of OBS back when the auctions were still running.
Had one in my cart for $25 out the door but decided to wait for one more price drop... :dunce: :wall: :dunce:
I tried to get 3 packs of each that I wanted. And pretty much did. Cookies and Chem is a keeper strain so far. Those damn S1's I planted has really cost me trying to grow them out. Total waste of my time I could have spent on the others.
Hi Gu~
GREAT to hear you are OK.

Would love to get a more detailed update from you on what's going on for GPS these days. A few areas that people are eager to hear about include . . .
Can you give us an update on where things are with the website?
Auctions: I think we all assume there was a technical reason for killing the auctions, but I guess it could be just running low on inventory? No sense giving it away when you only have a few.
Nuggets: Any progress with the vendor that wrote the nugget code in fixing the bug? Timeline?
Shipping: Would you say the storm has passed?

New genetics:
You've mentioned recently that you were going to begin work on your own feminized lines. Response was overwhelmingly positive (despite some people's personal feelings on one of your "advisors".) Can you give us an idea on how things are going? Gotta keep that money pump primed :-)
Any new work coming using the Stadawg male? How long until you make the final cut on the current "testers" and move the keepers into normal rotation?
Any update from "Partner" breeders like CV on new lines to be sold through GPS? There are MANY people waiting eagerly for the CV end of summer drop.

Any new sales on the horizon for Aug/Sept? You mentioned the 666 sale, but I'm probably not the only one who has no idea what that is . . .
Details man :-) This thread on RIU is where all your most dedicated customers come for info.

Thanks in advance for any info you can share, and on behalf of your customers, we are ALL happy that you are free and safe.
Even the trolls ( what would they do without you?) :-)

Seems to me this belongs in a private customer service email. Not here. Just my personal view on that. I appreciate your concerns, as a consumer, as a business owner it seems a bit presumptive upon their time and business operations. - My take.