America Is a Failed State

Mmmk well it's all these clowns keep talking about is Clinton running so that's what I'm saying is stupid.
How about these clowns actually present a candidate instead of constantly bitching and moaning..
The primaries are too far off to settle on any candidate. The field right now stands at about 15, any of whom I'd vote for in the general election instead of Trump, including Gabbard. The only decision to make in 2020 is who to vote for in the primary. Voting Democrat in the general election is the only rational option for anybody who objects to what Trump is doing to the US and the world.

I'm going to wait until after the debates are over before I decide on my choice for the primary. Gabbard has a negative feel to me because of her stated belief in the false flag conspiracy theory that blames Syrian rebels for the Sarin gas attacks in Syria. Also she's come out against abortion and gay marriage. Though she's back tracked on that, I'd prefer somebody who gets it rather than "submits to the will of the people" when it comes to civil rights.
The primaries are too far off to settle on any candidate. The field right now stands at about 15, any of whom I'd vote for in the general election instead of Trump, including Gabbard. The only decision to make in 2020 is who to vote for in the primary. Voting Democrat in the general election is the only rational option for anybody who objects to what Trump is doing to the US and the world.

I'm going to wait until after the debates are over before I decide on my choice for the primary. Gabbard has a negative feel to me because of her stated belief in the false flag conspiracy theory that blames Syrian rebels for the Sarin gas attacks in Syria. Also she's come out against abortion and gay marriage. Though she's back tracked on that, I'd prefer somebody who gets it rather than "submits to the will of the people" when it comes to civil rights.
Maybe you should read her stance of gay rights again, you got it mixed up. She was followed the will of the people she represented when she was AGAINST it, and due to her first hand experiance, she changed to do what was right and support it.
Mmmk. Let's see how that works out in 2020.
Your the biggest trump fan here if you support a rematch.. she does nothing but lose. Lost every time shes ran. She cant get the votes where they count. Winning a few densely populated areas means nothing... not sure if you've ever figured put how our elections work or not, but your welcome to continue to indirectly support trump if that's what you really want to do I guess..
Hillary Clinton got the most votes in every single race she’s ever run
The result was trump : 304 vs Clinton : 227

That's not even very close... and you want a repeat of that...
That's stupid. Dems need a candidate that can win. The best thing in the world for trump would he for Clinton to run again in 2020 an everyone with a brain knows that.
You should reply to the same post for a third time so we know you’re not upset that Hillary always gets the most votes
Maybe you should read her stance of gay rights again, you got it mixed up. She was followed the will of the people she represented when she was AGAINST it, and due to her first hand experiance, she changed to do what was right and support it.
6 years of college but you can’t spell “experience”?
Maybe you should read her stance of gay rights again, you got it mixed up. She was followed the will of the people she represented when she was AGAINST it, and due to her first hand experiance, she changed to do what was right and support it.
She changed for political purposes. The LGBTQ community in Hawaii say they don't trust her and supported her opponent in 2016. She says she is personally against gay marriage and abortion in an interview in 2015.

Her voting record is good on these issues, I'm not saying I can't vote for her but would prefer somebody who gets it rather than somebody who does the right thing despite of her personal beliefs.
That is one way to interpret her support for Assad and belief in the Sarin false flag conspiracy theory. The other way to interpret those actions is...

Come to think of it, I don't know how else to interpret those actions.
Putin digs for dirt on everyone

Seems like he got some on turkey giblet
That is one way to interpret her support for Assad and belief in the Sarin false flag conspiracy theory. The other way to interpret those actions is...

Come to think of it, I don't know how else to interpret those actions.
Well if you honestly believe "compromised Russian asset" about anyone then your brains already been rotted.
Watch out! Russia is under your bed an gonna get you if you fall asleep!!!! Hahaha jesus people are stupid...
I like picking on frauds
Must be a expression of your self loathing complex.
I'm convinced your hyper attracted to trump and have a huge complex over it. I'd put money on you having jerked it to his pictures as often as you talk about him.
You need to work out your issues dude.
Well if you honestly believe "compromised Russian asset" about anyone then your brains already been rotted.
Watch out! Russia is under your bed an gonna get you if you fall asleep!!!! Hahaha jesus people are stupid...
Oh, are you another who says that the Mueller investigation is just a distraction?

I do think that Gabbard is a smart person who is capable of assimilating facts to draw an accurate conclusion. Which is why I am concerned about her support for Assad and through him, Putin. The Sarin false flag conspiracy theory is obviously fake so either she is playing a game as Putin's asset or she's not a smart person who is capable of assimilating facts to draw an accurate conclusion.
Oh, are you another who says that the Mueller investigation is just a distraction?

I do think that Gabbard is a smart person who is capable of assimilating facts to draw an accurate conclusion. Which is why I am concerned about her support for Assad and through him, Putin. The Sarin false flag conspiracy theory is obviously fake so either she is playing a game as Putin's asset or she's not a smart person who is capable of assimilating facts to draw an accurate conclusion.
What makes you so convinced who used those weapons? Both sides had access..
To me this is a really minor detail and I care very little about mid east politics, think we should worry about the MANY issues we have at home before we play world police.
What makes you so convinced who used those weapons? Both sides had access..
To me this is a really minor detail and I care very little about mid east politics, think we should worry about the MANY issues we have at home before we play world police.
The use of Sarin gas isn't the worst that Assad has done, I'll concede that point. Using the gas against anybody, much less women and children trapped inside of buildings due to bombs being dropped outside is horrendous. But that's not the point when it comes to Gabbard.

The only way she could continue to support Assad in Washington is by citing the Sarin false flag conspiracy theory. The news coming from the region, including eye witness accounts and accounts from medical professionals treating those people in refugee camps, is pretty convincing that Sarin was used and it was dropped from aircraft during an air raid. On this account, Gabbard is either duped or lying.
The use of Sarin gas isn't the worst that Assad has done, I'll concede that point. Using the gas against anybody, much less women and children trapped inside of buildings due to bombs being dropped outside is horrendous. But that's not the point when it comes to Gabbard.

The only way she could continue to support Assad in Washington is by citing the Sarin false flag conspiracy theory. The news coming from the region, including eye witness accounts and accounts from medical professionals treating those people in refugee camps, is pretty convincing that Sarin was used and it was dropped from aircraft during an air raid. On this account, Gabbard is either duped or lying.
Or that those people are lying or mistaken. Whatever makes enough people believe it could have been ISIS seems to have some evidence as well.(that's who the other option is right?)
For myself, I dont care and the last thing I want is to be dragged into yet another conflict on "humanitarian reasons" where we then "humanely kill thousands of people" yes the world has a lot of problems, I dont think it's our job to solve them right now. So I dont care about this "who used what and when debate" honestly after G.W. i got really burnt on the whole idea.