America Is a Failed State

Ok, let's have intelligent conversation. How do illegal immigrants help the economy?
They currently make up 5% of the work force. They pay taxes without receiving benefits. They do work that lazy white people won't do even if offered higher wages. If you don't believe they are important to the economy, just ask a farmer, he'll tell you he hires them because they work while lazy whites won't.

I'm not saying we can't run the economy without illegal workers. I'm saying that arresting and deporting 10's of millions of hard working tax-paying workers in the next year as Trump promised would be both inflationary and recessionary in the effect of the economy. The people that are here illegally should be offered a path to citizenship if they can show they've paid their fair share in taxes and haven't committed serious crimes. That would be better for the economy than your authoritarian government is saying they will do. But they are lying to you.
Nope, many people who built the country were actually legal. Quit trying to act like illegals are the only people who built this country...
Really ? Was it the Irish or the Italians or which group are you saying were legal ?
Because they were plenty of anti-immigrant haters when we arrived and no we weren't legal till Reagan cleared the books
They currently make up 5% of the work force. They pay taxes without receiving benefits. They do work that lazy white people won't do even if offered higher wages. If you don't believe they are important to the economy, just ask a farmer, he'll tell you he hires them because they work while lazy whites won't.

I'm not saying we can't run the economy without illegal workers. I'm saying that arresting and deporting 10's of millions of hard working tax-paying workers in the next year as Trump promised would be both inflationary and recessionary in the effect of the economy. The people that are here illegally should be offered a path to citizenship if they can show they've paid their fair share in taxes and haven't committed serious crimes. That would be better for the economy than your authoritarian government is saying they will do. But they are lying to you.
So you brag about the fact that they pay taxes and get no benefits, and work for practically nothing.... But you care about them so much, right? You do know that once they are citizens that those benefits to the economy that you just mentioned no longer apply?
So you brag about the fact that they pay taxes and get no benefits, and work for practically nothing.... But you care about them so much, right? You do know that once they are citizens that those benefits to the economy that you just mentioned no longer apply?
You asked me what good they did for the economy and I answered. Do you want to rebut my argument or do you now concede that I'm right?

Are you endorsing keeping illegal immigrants permanently in illegal status? You are endorsing holding these people in permanent second class status which is against much of what this country stands for.
Poop eater is quoting himself!

Hahaha, so funny!!! Omg
Poop eater is quoting himself!

Oops, quoted myself. And yeah, I eat poop, my gf's ass is delicious...
You asked me what good they did for the economy and I answered. Do you want to rebut my argument or do you now concede that I'm right?

Are you endorsing keeping illegal immigrants permanently in illegal status? You are endorsing holding these people in permanent second class status which is against much of what this country stands for.
Just pointing out the fact that you're a fucking hypocrite. You care so much about illegals, yet you brag about paying them Jack shit and giving them no benefits for the taxes they pay... So, once again, tell me how much you care about illegals?
That's what I thought... The same answer a 4 year old would give. Congrats, little buddy.
If you don't want it plain, how about a sandwich? You can have it on toast if you prefer

Hahaha, so funny!!! Omg

Oops, quoted myself. And yeah, I eat poop, my gf's ass is delicious...

Just pointing out the fact that you're a fucking hypocrite. You care so much about illegals, yet you brag about paying them Jack shit and giving them no benefits for the taxes they pay... So, once again, tell me how much you care about illegals?
All illegals are not equal
Some were brought here without their knowing or consent, others seek asylum, so caring about illegals varies
Hahaha, so funny!!! Omg

Oops, quoted myself. And yeah, I eat poop, my gf's ass is delicious...

Just pointing out the fact that you're a fucking hypocrite. You care so much about illegals, yet you brag about paying them Jack shit and giving them no benefits for the taxes they pay... So, once again, tell me how much you care about illegals?
You asked me what benefit to the economy they provide and I answered. You haven't said one thing to rebut the argument. Do you concede that I'm right?

Regarding wages, our economic system is fucked up when a person works full time for poverty level wages. Not just illegal immigrants. Pay is just one part of the system that needs to be reformed. Stronger unions backed with better worker rights laws would go a long way to correcting many of the inequities built into our system.
You asked me what benefit to the economy they provide and I answered. You haven't said one thing to rebut the argument. Do you concede that I'm right?

Regarding wages, our economic system is fucked up when a person works full time for poverty level wages. Not just illegal immigrants. Pay is just one part of the system that needs to be reformed. Stronger unions backed with better worker rights laws would go a long way to correcting many of the inequities built into our system.
I agree that it's a benefit to the economy. But you are using them, you just won't admit it... That is my point. You act like you are helping them when in fact you are using them. Dems have actually convinced illegal immigrants that they care about them, while at the same time bragging about how they don't pay them shit and that they take their taxes while giving them no benefits...