America Is a Failed State

I agree that it's a benefit to the economy. But you are using them, you just won't admit it... That is my point. You act like you are helping them when in fact you are using them. Dems have actually convinced illegal immigrants that they care about them, while at the same time bragging about how they don't pay them shit and that they take their taxes while giving them no benefits...
When did I brag? I spoke truth. The "economy" does benefit in the form of lower prices. At no time did I brag about that. I think we should bring the illegal immigrants who have worked hard, paid taxes and behaved lawfully into legal status with a path toward citizenship. It's the right thing to do. Democrats aren't the reason this hasn't happened, Republicans are. You do know that Republicans control all three branches of US government at this time, don't you? Why aren't you ragging on them?

Why are you so upset about an honest answer?
I heard,
Drain the Swamp. Well guess what ? I think he meant Swamp the Drain..

Cuz she's overfilling with Crap right now.

When was the last time China was practicing bombing the U.S. ?

This Crazy Shit needs to Stop Before there's no return.

Which it may be too late already.
I agree that it's a benefit to the economy. But you are using them, you just won't admit it... That is my point. You act like you are helping them when in fact you are using them. Dems have actually convinced illegal immigrants that they care about them, while at the same time bragging about how they don't pay them shit and that they take their taxes while giving them no benefits...
Dems? You don't know our farmers ...they would shoot you for that remark
You asked me what benefit to the economy they provide and I answered. You haven't said one thing to rebut the argument. Do you concede that I'm right?

Regarding wages, our economic system is fucked up when a person works full time for poverty level wages. Not just illegal immigrants. Pay is just one part of the system that needs to be reformed. Stronger unions backed with better worker rights laws would go a long way to correcting many of the inequities built into our system.
Oh, and don't give me that bullshit that whites are too lazy to do the work. I worked in a carrot field pulling weeds when I was younger. So, that is false...
Maybe because I learned a trade and got a higher paying job? That's not the kind of job you retire from lol
Exactly White people don't want do seasonal work in fields for poverty wages, they have better options. I'm guessing you did it for a season or two while living at home and you found better work as soon as you could. Farmers can't run their businesses with such an undependable work force.

If we increased farm worker pay, improved working conditions and made it possible for farm workers to earn a living throughout the year maybe enough people would be attracted to that kind of work. Not everybody can be computer programmers. Actually very few are needed for that kind of work. From the level of intelligence I've seen from right wingers posting here, there are plenty of white people who might have been better off if we had offered a decent living and career opportunities for farm labor. Nobody works for poverty wages under the conditions currently offered unless they have no other options.