America Is a Failed State

I don't know of anyone making 15/hr flipping burgers. You got any proof?
Soon lol. I’m sure it’s not quite the same South of the border. 2B0C0288-0253-4244-845A-433099432C02.png Also up here it is hard to find seasonal work for harvest season so they bring in help. The workers are IMO treated very unfairly for the work they do. The kids born here for the most part, don’t want to work on farms, or work at all for that matter, when mom and dad are supporting their life of leisure lol. I have no proof of my conclusion kids now are lazy but it sure seems like it lol.
^^This coming from somebody who says Republicans and Democrats are the same. LOL

I was volunteering as a teacher's assistant for a special needs class and one of the mentally deficient kids called the teacher "stupid". I thought that was funny in the same way I think your post is funny.

i find it funny that someone mentally deficient, recognizes you're mental deficit.
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