*****official***** MAGA therad

More MAGA! China's stock market getting raked over the coals due to tariffs.

Dow closes Friday almost hitting 27,000.

CNN..."tariffs will destroy our stock market and will not hurt China".


More MAGA! China's stock market getting raked over the coals due to tariffs.

Dow closes Friday almost hitting 27,000.

CNN..."tariffs will destroy our stock market and will not hurt China".


This is actually bad news for the US. You would be wrong if you think China's and the US's economies are decoupled. Emerging market stock prices have tumbled too. Guess where all those products that US companies sell are either partly or wholly made?

Another tell that the worldwide economy (of which US is the largest contributor) has tumbled is the price of copper has fallen. Copper is used in practically everything. Buyers for practically all companies worldwide have drastically cut back on orders for copper which means that production of practically everything is about to drop. Same thing happened in 2008. Don't believe me, read and decide for yourself.


Right wingers are stuck in the old idea that markets are a zero sum game where one person loses and another wins. That would be wrong too. China's losses are going to be US's losses before too long. Maybe by this winter or next year the pigeons will come home to roost.
no offense, but do you guys mind not tailgating passenger vehicles at 60 mph?

i see it all the time. you guys get a bit cocky

You're right, I see it all the time too. There's no shortage of idiot truck drivers on the road. I personally don't drive too close to anyone, ever. I've been hauling 44,000 lb loads the last couple weeks, it's takes me a little extra bit to slow so I definitely haven't been tailgating.

No offense taken, carry on
You're right, I see it all the time too. There's no shortage of idiot truck drivers on the road. I personally don't drive too close to anyone, ever. I've been hauling 44,000 lb loads the last couple weeks, it's takes me a little extra bit to slow so I definitely haven't been tailgating.

No offense taken, carry on
i mean i get that they are high up and can see a long way ahead of them but it's just madness

when they do it to me i flip them off continuously until they back off
i mean i get that they are high up and can see a long way ahead of them but it's just madness

when they do it to me i flip them off continuously until they back off

You should call their company and report them to the safety manager, get these dangerous drivers off the roads. You can always get the MC numbers and report them to DOT also.
You should call their company and report them to the safety manager, get these dangerous drivers off the roads. You can always get the MC numbers and report them to DOT also.
Not much call on a weed site for turning in others to authorities or cops...just saying
You should call their company and report them to the safety manager, get these dangerous drivers off the roads. You can always get the MC numbers and report them to DOT also.
I haven’t ever had to do that until a few weeks ago

After flipping off a tailgating truck he just started fucking with me

When he blew by the name and number of the small moving company he worked for was plastered on the side

I figured he was too dumb not to get reported at that point
i mean i get that they are high up and can see a long way ahead of them but it's just madness

when they do it to me i flip them off continuously until they back off
There's a new following distance law in California, I think it's three hundred feet for semi-trucks, I'll look up the details.
It's pretty common for automobiles to follow too close for the semi driver to see them in their mirrors. If you can't see their mirrors, they can't see you. I don't know if there is a law about that but I'd call somebody in if they did that if there were. I despise aggressive tailgaters, no matter the size of the vehicle.
It's pretty common for automobiles to follow too close for the semi driver to see them in their mirrors. If you can't see their mirrors, they can't see you. I don't know if there is a law about that but I'd call somebody in if they did that if there were. I despise aggressive tailgaters, no matter the size of the vehicle.

Yes, I can't stand it when cars do that when I'm in my work truck, don't like it much either when I'm in my personal truck.

It's the law in all 50 states, you have to travel a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of you.
Sometimes they run you off the road, even if your clearly visible in the lane next to them...
Passenger vehicle vs merging semi, go off-road or get run-over:wall:
Rather lose a tire running off-road, than causing a huge wreck on a very busy highway>:(
Not much call on a weed site for turning in others to authorities or cops...just saying

So it’s not ok for him to report a truck driver but him threatening growers on this weed site with feds is just fine with you. You say nothing.

You do belong with the little group of hysterical hypocrites. Nice job!
You may not overtake and pass another vehicle which is moving at less than 20 mph on a grade (outside a business or residential district) unless you can pass that vehicle at least 10 mph faster than it is travelling and the pass can be completed within 1/4 mile (CVC §21758). You must not follow the vehicles listed below any closer than 300 feet. The rule does not apply during overtaking and passing, when there are 2 or more lanes for traffic in each direction, or in a business or residential district (CVC §21704).

  • A motor truck or truck tractor having 3 or more axles.
  • Any motor truck or truck tractor towing any other vehicle.
  • A passenger vehicle or bus towing any other vehicle.
  • A school bus transporting any school pupil.
  • A farm labor vehicle when transporting passengers.
  • A vehicle transporting explosives.
  • A trailer bus.
When large vehicles are being driven in caravan on the open highway, at least 100 feet must be left between them to allow other vehicles to overtake and pass them (CVC §21705).

Okay, so this is what I understand, a truck driver was recently cited near me for following another truck too closely, I believe the two trucks were owned by one company. Look out if you head West.