He clearly doesn’t understand that silver in the form of CS/STS causes inhibition of hormones, specifically ethylene, not disruption of DNA. He’s intellectually disabled, probably. You’ll have to forgive him.
Id say all the gonads recently found in female abdomens , other than gender confusion not from a mis guided society, and the fact that we now know that the SRY gene is disrupted and from what is yet to be proven, but I know,,, but not so... If can fix it, then I say its broken. We can measure hermy genetic designation in plants and now humans ( both X & y chromes orgs) . I change how gay a human or plant is,,, and very very hard to correct the DNA back. Easier in plants.
Lets be clear, there are 2 sexes and many genders. These hermy GMO are some of the biggest changes to an organism. add a duck feather or tits and vaginas. IDK how to determine which is worse. We got lots of monkey and pig DNA... Id rather have that GMO than someone giving me a bunch of bud that is slowly gaying me out,,, bitch tits and so many DNA disrupts from feminized pot... Ill take the pig and monkey GMO over gay GMO...
Gene jumping is fact now, not new science but lots of new twist as how and what is genes are jumping from organism,,, Pot to human is easy to know how....
I proved that a cannabis and humans Herm was trait to academia with punnet charts from the 80's,,
Greg Mendel said a trait is a gene