Donating cannabis to terminal patients

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
ive done a lot of bad shit in my life and have now turned a page. I want to help peOple.

Here in the uk there are millions of people who given the option could massively improve their health using cannabis, but the government don’t seem to be taking this seriously

I’m in rehab now for a pretty bad coke and oramorph addiction, but when I get out and set up again I want to start donating my crop to people who are being failed by the nhs, And make a tutorial on this next grow for people who want to grow it themselves for medical reasons.

I don’t want to make any money off this beautiful plant anymore as I consider this negative energy.

I would however accept donatiOns which would pay my electricity bills and pay for the day to day upkeep of the grow (nutrients, media, meter maintenance etc).

I’ve profited from other people’s misery as a career criminal for too long and it has eventually destroyed everything I stood for.

Any one got any tips, ideas, advice for me about my plans.

Anyone who would like to team up or help anyway they can in order to get more people the medicine they need are massively welcome to post here with their own ideas.

I’d also like to hear advice or stories from people around the world who have had success doing this so il also post this in the main forum

Thanks guys look forward to you’re responses
Is there a reason this is taking so long to be made available to the masses? It’s never took this long for any of my other threads
Hey :) I don't know why no one has replied to this! I would like to help you.
I saved my mum's life with cannabis oil and I also believe it has saved my life in a less direct way. If I didn't discover it when I was 16 I don't think I would still be here today. I also now make the oil for one of my mum's friends who had been in pain with a chronic condition for over 30 years and now she is finally pain free. I tried to save an old friend with cancer but unfortunately it was too late for him and he is no longer with us but he did say that what I gave him at least made his final days more enjoyable and less painful.
I actually came on here looking for mail order weed in the UK because I live in a small town and sometimes you can't get it here, but I always need it. But anyways I stumbled across this post and it caught my eye.
I'm not exactly sure how I can help you with this but I'm available if you want me :)
Have you thought of approaching the UK Cannabis Social Clubs? These guys actively work with growers who will grow a limit of 9 plants (they have an extensive charter that explains why these numbers and support each other if it goes to court etc.) and distribute to medical users. The guy in charge is Greg De Hoedt and they oversee clubs up and down the country. Here's their site
ive done a lot of bad shit in my life and have now turned a page. I want to help peOple.

Here in the uk there are millions of people who given the option could massively improve their health using cannabis, but the government don’t seem to be taking this seriously

I’m in rehab now for a pretty bad coke and oramorph addiction, but when I get out and set up again I want to start donating my crop to people who are being failed by the nhs, And make a tutorial on this next grow for people who want to grow it themselves for medical reasons.

I don’t want to make any money off this beautiful plant anymore as I consider this negative energy.

I would however accept donatiOns which would pay my electricity bills and pay for the day to day upkeep of the grow (nutrients, media, meter maintenance etc).

I’ve profited from other people’s misery as a career criminal for too long and it has eventually destroyed everything I stood for.

Any one got any tips, ideas, advice for me about my plans.

Anyone who would like to team up or help anyway they can in order to get more people the medicine they need are massively welcome to post here with their own ideas.

I’d also like to hear advice or stories from people around the world who have had success doing this so il also post this in the main forum

Thanks guys look forward to you’re responses

I live in Colorado where this kind of activity has been legalised by a vote of the majority of our state citizens. I engaged in this activity...

And I was criminally charged and convicted of TWO FELONY CHARGES for doing exactly this.

My conscience is clear, in spite of an upcoming 90 day jail sentence served on work release and over $12,500 in fines... and the threat of 7 years in prison if I misbehave in the slightest degree.

I wish you the best of luck but I strongly caution you not to think for a moment that doing good deeds for your terminally ill fellow citizens will see you get treated fairly should you find yourself in the dock.
Unfortunately as @ttystikk mentioned, big pharma has the government working to keep true medicine out of peoples hands. One has to be willing to risk their freedom to engage in this charitable act.
Unfortunately as @ttystikk mentioned, big pharma has the government working to keep true medicine out of peoples hands. One has to be willing to risk their freedom to engage in this charitable act.
Indeed. Selflessness has always been threatening to the greedy and self centered. Just ask MLK.
ive done a lot of bad shit in my life and have now turned a page. I want to help peOple.

Here in the uk there are millions of people who given the option could massively improve their health using cannabis, but the government don’t seem to be taking this seriously

I’m in rehab now for a pretty bad coke and oramorph addiction, but when I get out and set up again I want to start donating my crop to people who are being failed by the nhs, And make a tutorial on this next grow for people who want to grow it themselves for medical reasons.

I don’t want to make any money off this beautiful plant anymore as I consider this negative energy.

I would however accept donatiOns which would pay my electricity bills and pay for the day to day upkeep of the grow (nutrients, media, meter maintenance etc).

I’ve profited from other people’s misery as a career criminal for too long and it has eventually destroyed everything I stood for.

Any one got any tips, ideas, advice for me about my plans.

Anyone who would like to team up or help anyway they can in order to get more people the medicine they need are massively welcome to post here with their own ideas.

I’d also like to hear advice or stories from people around the world who have had success doing this so il also post this in the main forum

Thanks guys look forward to you’re responses

Hello Pal, Firstly im glad to hear your in rehab and wish you all the best on your recovery, I'll be honest ive been down a similar sounding road and will be 2 years free of my previous daily cocaine habit, diazepam abuse and binge drinking next month. My only advise after trying many times myself before eventually getting help from a very talented team of overworked underpaid professionals from one of my citys drug and alcohol services is your recovery never stops, take the Group Treatment, take the Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention and enjoy your life like you want to substance free.

My personal opinion on your point and possible plan is if your in a position to seriously help people in the treatment of there well being during a terminal illness e.g pain control, treatment for sickness and the list goes on! Then go for it, but if caught you will more than likely be done for production and supply! Thats just fact not my opinion, so as long as your happy to take that risk to help others then I would be willing to discuss the theory of it at least and how you would get your medicine to the terminally ill.

Again this is my personal opinion, please act on your own opinion not my advice, but not sure if this would be an open thread or if youd need to pm me, as this is actually my first post on this site so not sure on rules.

But yer feel free to contact me, this is something i strongly believe to be moral whatever the law may say!!!