Aussie Growers Thread

So they should be,the price of weed hasn't gone up in 10 years or more.Growers need to learn to hold there asking price and not get low balled,I black list anyone that even tries to beat me down on price it's not like you go into a bottle shop and negotiate over the price of a carton but cunts think they can try their luck when they are buying a pound :(

hahahah thats it, they try this "but i can get it for this much off my other mate" lol i just so so what you standing here for then, off you go go get it
What about the brown gacky speed that used to be around we used to call it "ear wax" that shit would melt through a baggie in half an hour if it wasn't kept cold

yep that old goop speed was the shit we used to get bricks of it so cheap, i was selling pingers at the time but always had a big block of that gas in the fridge. whenever we had a party we used to mix up a big bowl with glucose and sit it on the table for all to enjoy.

so much better than that fucking dried out shit the kids are smoking these days. i remember one year before i went to see chemical brothers at a festival i had a bag of this gnarly purple goop that stunk to high heavens, had a big dip before i went in and i was off chops all day. better than the pingers and they were late 90's pingers too lol
Damn 2200 a pound! it's like 3600-3800 here
Jesus I'd love to be selling them for 300 . this season will be the same all the bodhi , karma and rare datnkness strains will be only sold for 240 to 260 an ounce. . to many growers here to make big money per ounce. We have 13 growers at work so I compete with them and another 100 growers in my town. But I still get my 3800 a pound over time by selling 240 oz. I'm happy with it.
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Jesus I'd love to be selling them for 300 . this season will be the same all the bodhi , karma and rare datnkness strains will be only sold for 240 to 260 an ounce. . to many growers here to make big money per ounce. We have 13 growers at work so I compete with them and another 100 growers in my town. But I still get my 3800 a pound over time by selling 240 oz. I'm happy with it.
$240 is reasonable but it's not really fair compensation for your hard work and risk involved,I do $1200 a qp or $4000 a p cash up front unless I'm trying to help someone out I'll let them do half cash and give them credit for 2 weeks if they are a day late they can forget about getting another gram of me ever again
I agree. I was a push over last one. I won’t be this time.

I used to move a bit in the late 90’s $420 an oz. how crazy is that. Was super skunk. Geez I loved that weed! So pale and the smell was one of a kind amazing.

So what’s the go with super skunk and skunk #1? Can’t u get them anymore? Someone was telling me they’re not in seed banks anymore??
Ozzies use to be more here in the 90s than they are today. 600-700 in the Kimberly region.
Jesus I'd love to be selling them for 300 . this season will be the same all the bodhi , karma and rare datnkness strains will be only sold for 240 to 260 an ounce. . to many growers here to make big money per ounce. We have 13 growers at work so I compete with them and another 100 growers in my town. But I still get my 3800 a pound over time by selling 240 oz. I'm happy with it.
Fuck man bring it up to me. I could move as much as i could get i reckon. First in best dressed around here. There is never enough
yep that old goop speed was the shit we used to get bricks of it so cheap, i was selling pingers at the time but always had a big block of that gas in the fridge. whenever we had a party we used to mix up a big bowl with glucose and sit it on the table for all to enjoy.

so much better than that fucking dried out shit the kids are smoking these days. i remember one year before i went to see chemical brothers at a festival i had a bag of this gnarly purple goop that stunk to high heavens, had a big dip before i went in and i was off chops all day. better than the pingers and they were late 90's pingers too lol
The ox blood was the best speed that we got that shit had legs
Jesus I'd love to be selling them for 300 . this season will be the same all the bodhi , karma and rare datnkness strains will be only sold for 240 to 260 an ounce. . to many growers here to make big money per ounce. We have 13 growers at work so I compete with them and another 100 growers in my town. But I still get my 3800 a pound over time by selling 240 oz. I'm happy with it.
im happy with the $250 I get. I also have two people who buy $50. They get 5 grams (yes, im a little generous). So that gets me a little more on the odd oz.
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Hard to beat the doors
Im Into all sorts of music but this morning the doors would be sweet as fuck if I was out in the boat and not at work grinding out hours for corporate stakeholders
It is what it is but don't ya wish sometimes u could just not have a care in the world not have responsibilities and just go with the flow?
Throw a nice blow job into scene and pretty soon you would be playing back door man by the doors :)
im happy with the $250 I get. I also have two people who buy $50. They get 5 grams (yes, im a little generous). So that gets me a little more on the odd oz.
Fuck up here it’s like gold mate I can sell a gram for 20 bucks lol if it comes with a name that is... I pay 350 for that ounce tho so after I’ve smoked my share and given my select few their weed I break even, there is crap pgr shit we call Aussie red it’s fucked and that’s 3300 a p, there has be something better up here but finding it is the problem... that why I started my diy project and now I feel like everyone I did hook up in the past, they don’t deserve this... tbh they wouldn’t know good pot if it hit them in the face... what I got is strickly for family and maybe some close friends. Cut throat area seq everyone is out to do over everyone so I keep to myself
Fuck up here it’s like gold mate I can sell a gram for 20 bucks lol if it comes with a name that is... I pay 350 for that ounce tho so after I’ve smoked my share and given my select few their weed I break even, there is crap pgr shit we call Aussie red it’s fucked and that’s 3300 a p, there has be something better up here but finding it is the problem... that why I started my diy project and now I feel like everyone I did hook up in the past, they don’t deserve this... tbh they wouldn’t know good pot if it hit them in the face... what I got is strickly for family and maybe some close friends. Cut throat area seq everyone is out to do over everyone so I keep to myself

That about describes our situation here
yep that old goop speed was the shit we used to get bricks of it so cheap, i was selling pingers at the time but always had a big block of that gas in the fridge. whenever we had a party we used to mix up a big bowl with glucose and sit it on the table for all to enjoy.

so much better than that fucking dried out shit the kids are smoking these days. i remember one year before i went to see chemical brothers at a festival i had a bag of this gnarly purple goop that stunk to high heavens, had a big dip before i went in and i was off chops all day. better than the pingers and they were late 90's pingers too lol
Mmmmm, late 90’s pingers!! I lost my mind on those things. I was 18 and the chick living with me used to pay her rent in pingers so I’d pop em everyday of the week until the psychosis and sleep paralysis started and i moved home to get my head straight!
The mdma I get from the dark web now is so close to the mark tho and the best part is it’s $17 a gram.