Aussie Growers Thread

$240 is reasonable but it's not really fair compensation for your hard work and risk involved,I do $1200 a qp or $4000 a p cash up front unless I'm trying to help someone out I'll let them do half cash and give them credit for 2 weeks if they are a day late they can forget about getting another gram of me ever again
Fuck you’re a hard man.

Do u sell to any hotties? Do they get a grace period?
Mmmmm, late 90’s pingers!! I lost my mind on those things. I was 18 and the chick living with me used to pay her rent in pingers so I’d pop em everyday of the week until the psychosis and sleep paralysis started and i moved home to get my head straight!
The mdma I get from the dark web now is so close to the mark tho and the best part is it’s $17 a gram.
I used to live with two 19 yr old chicks when I was 16 and every payday one person would buy 9 pingers so worked out to 3 each and we all got paid different days
Some of the best times of my life in those 18 months ...
If your taking blow jobs I'll be there by tomorrow
Then I'll take the pound sell it quick for a bit less buy some coke grab the first good looking chick with long legs and long black hair tell her rubes needs a partner in crime for 25 hrs blow the lot at the casino fuck her eat her and fuck her again then say goodbye.
I would buy toothpaste before getting the girl know so she's not kissing your cock on my breath after I've given you a gobbie
That's not being hard that's very fair I reckon,if you haven't got cash you shouldn't even be looking to buy a pound. No one would have dreamed ask for credit 10 years ago now alot of guys expect it the fucking grubs.
Good looks won't but a good blowjob might :)
Haha so true. I didnt look at it that way. Ok your fair for sure I take that back lol
If your taking blow jobs I'll be there by tomorrow
Then I'll take the pound sell it quick for a bit less buy some coke grab the first good looking chick with long legs and long black hair tell her rubes needs a partner in crime for 25 hrs blow the lot at the casino fuck her eat her and fuck her again then say goodbye.
I would buy toothpaste before getting the girl know so she's not kissing your cock on my breath after I've given you a gobbie
HAHAAH LMAO/- that is fucking hilarious. Such a vivid imagination u have!!
If your taking blow jobs I'll be there by tomorrow
Then I'll take the pound sell it quick for a bit less buy some coke grab the first good looking chick with long legs and long black hair tell her rubes needs a partner in crime for 25 hrs blow the lot at the casino fuck her eat her and fuck her again then say goodbye.
I would buy toothpaste before getting the girl know so she's not kissing your cock on my breath after I've given you a gobbie
I wish I could like this twice!!
Mmmmm, late 90’s pingers!! I lost my mind on those things. I was 18 and the chick living with me used to pay her rent in pingers so I’d pop em everyday of the week until the psychosis and sleep paralysis started and i moved home to get my head straight!
The mdma I get from the dark web now is so close to the mark tho and the best part is it’s $17 a gram.

Is that a typo $17 a gram?
Fuck for that price i would buy bulk and press my own pingers

I used to live with two 19 yr old chicks when I was 16 and every payday one person would buy 9 pingers so worked out to 3 each and we all got paid different days
Some of the best times of my life in those 18 months ...

Yep my youth was spent me selling drugs and my best mate was a dj. Despite never going to uni we lived in uni share houses for nearly a decade lol. Seriously fun times.
If your taking blow jobs I'll be there by tomorrow
Then I'll take the pound sell it quick for a bit less buy some coke grab the first good looking chick with long legs and long black hair tell her rubes needs a partner in crime for 25 hrs blow the lot at the casino fuck her eat her and fuck her again then say goodbye.
I would buy toothpaste before getting the girl know so she's not kissing your cock on my breath after I've given you a gobbie

You know before you send her on her way you could get her to blow coco for ypu and gat another pound to start the ball rolling again and you dont have to have cum breath.... i mean unless you want to blow coco
You know before you send her on her way you could get her to blow coco for ypu and gat another pound to start the ball rolling again and you dont have to have cum breath.... i mean unless you want to blow coco
If Cocos cum smelt like a farmer's daughter all hay with a touch of horse shit then your right I'll pass lol
Mmmmm, late 90’s pingers!! I lost my mind on those things. I was 18 and the chick living with me used to pay her rent in pingers so I’d pop em everyday of the week until the psychosis and sleep paralysis started and i moved home to get my head straight!
The mdma I get from the dark web now is so close to the mark tho and the best part is it’s $17 a gram.
How much is it normally?
Do you post?
Fuck up here it’s like gold mate I can sell a gram for 20 bucks lol if it comes with a name that is... I pay 350 for that ounce tho so after I’ve smoked my share and given my select few their weed I break even, there is crap pgr shit we call Aussie red it’s fucked and that’s 3300 a p, there has be something better up here but finding it is the problem... that why I started my diy project and now I feel like everyone I did hook up in the past, they don’t deserve this... tbh they wouldn’t know good pot if it hit them in the face... what I got is strickly for family and maybe some close friends. Cut throat area seq everyone is out to do over everyone so I keep to myself
To much bush here (seriously look at google earth...) and only 500k people. Someone was selling hydro for $200 a oz last xmas. Can get $200 ozzies of bush bud all year sometimes as low $180. Its probably a bit more expensive in the Cities like Hobart and Launceston. I know of one guy who sells pounds to a guy in Hobart. So it must be worth his while to drive up and back with it and turn a profit.

If I had Rubys boat, I hear the King Island run is well worth the trip. A mate of a mate was doing that for a few years but had a close call so sold the boat.
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Mmmmm, late 90’s pingers!! I lost my mind on those things. I was 18 and the chick living with me used to pay her rent in pingers so I’d pop em everyday of the week until the psychosis and sleep paralysis started and i moved home to get my head straight!
The mdma I get from the dark web now is so close to the mark tho and the best part is it’s $17 a gram.

I love the 21st century. Luckily I got onto the dark net markets as soon as I started even smoking weed regularly so I never had to put up with expensive street trash. Wasn't bad money making either considering I was buying LSD $2 a tab and any of the nbome series 70cents a tab when they average $25-$30+ over here. Even my parents didn't mind when I told them the profit margins I was running haha
To much bush here (seriously look at google earth...and only 500k people. Someone was selling hydro for $200 a oz last xmas. Can get $200 ozzies of bush bud all year sometimes as low $180. Its probably a bit more expensive in the Cities like Hobart and Launceston. I know of one guy who sells pounds to a guy in Hobart. So it must be worth his while to drive up and back with it and turn a profit.

If I had Rubys boat, I hear the King Island run is well worth the trip. A mate of a mate was doing that for a few years but had a close call so sold the boat.
Some cool cats I know come across by boat where I am meet them at the creeks then they head back after refueling the spare ...jet skis would do it but to obvious on the distance to travel