What can I say? They shouldn't have done it. No excuses. People have to tune their shit up because the next two years are going to be even more tense.
The demonstration was about projecting white power. The counter demonstrators were there to stop them from marching through the streets of Portland. In the middle of it all was confusion and people can make bad decisions.
I still say the whole thing wouldn't have happened if neo-Nazis hadn't descended on the City for their own reasons. At root of all violence for the day are Proud Boys and Patriot's Prayer for choosing to take their message of white power to a city that is known for liberal inclusiveness..
i agree. there should be no reason for antifa to exist. we should have started teaching kids a long time ago that color is meaningless, that the old prejudices are bullshit, and that we can't progress as a race until we get past this stupidity.
but antifa does exist, because there are people who keep all that old hate alive, and try to make it grow. i know it may seem like i don't like antifa, and honestly, i'm not really impressed, but that's my problem. i'm a strange mix of pacifist and militarist. if you leave me alone, and don't cause any problems, i have no problem with you at all. once people start causing problems, they need to be dealt with, quickly and harshly. it seems to me that antifa takes half steps, and doesn't do enough...and when they do something, half the time it's directed at the wrong people.
if you wake up that militarist part of me, it wants to eliminate threats, permanently. i would take more drastic steps, which would probably cause even more problems.....so i guess it's a good thing i stay home most of the time