Newbie 3x3 tent went into flowing 1 week ago need help, tips anything helps.

So i got this plant a few weeks back was a outdoor. strain is gg#4 once i got it i went and put in tent right away to veg. I trained her a bit as much as i could because since she grew outside it grew a natural tree shape. I toped already since she was tall 35in when i got or less now shes 38in tallast stem that is. I did some Lst and Hst Also some lollipoping. Once i went into flowering after few days of doing that training i was wondering if it is too late 2 scrog now? Also got questions about if i should give haircut every lilttle bit while she continues flowering and i got this stem thats like hanging and in bad shape due 2 me snaping to hard when low stress training
If your two weeks into flower, I wouldn’t try to scrog, just hit them with some bamboo.

Same applies for the trimming, some folks do a lot during flower, I basically let them do their throng and remove fan leave periodically