Cannabis Industry/Jobs


Active Member

I need some information on how can i get in the cannabis industry in USA/EU . I talked with some people at the Cannabis conference in my country (cannabis is illegal in my country) and they told me the only way to get a job in the industry is by knowing people who are already in it . Iv searched through the internet many times but i couldn't find something. I send some emails to cannabis companies but i received no answer ( i wasnt expecting tbh ). Im currently living in the UK the last years were i can grow my plants for myself away from the prohibition of my country.But thats not enough.I want to put my love on cannabis on a more professional way ! Anyone who can give some tips /help will be appreciated .



Well-Known Member

I need some information on how can i get in the cannabis industry in USA/EU . I talked with some people at the Cannabis conference in my country (cannabis is illegal in my country) and they told me the only way to get a job in the industry is by knowing people who are already in it . Iv searched through the internet many times but i couldn't find something. I send some emails to cannabis companies but i received no answer ( i wasnt expecting tbh ). Im currently living in the UK the last years were i can grow my plants for myself away from the prohibition of my country.But thats not enough.I want to put my love on cannabis on a more professional way ! Anyone who can give some tips /help will be appreciated .

Move to Alaska. Establish residency, take the course and get your marijuana handlers card. Start applying . 270+ growers.


Active Member
Move to Alaska. Establish residency, take the course and get your marijuana handlers card. Start applying . 270+ growers.
Thanks for the replay man.You are really helpful person.

Do you think its difficult to get a visa and move to Alaska ? For what reason shall i say i want to move in the US as im come from the EU ? iv read sonewhere that its difficult to get a viza if you aay you want to work in the cannabis industry.


Active Member
what about cannada thats legalizing cannabis now ? Do you think alaska is the easier state to get a job ? What about cali or any other state ?Is it much more difficult to find a job comparing to alaska ? Im reasearching a bit about Alaska right now and damn it looks cold there .


Active Member
Greece is going to open up soon, move before Brexit and there's no visa issues
thats interesting fubard !Do you have any more details about how they will work it out ? I mean if they only give the rights to some companies from abroad to grow cannabis in couple of fields its not going to be easy i guess. I will make a research on their plans also.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
if you have ANY kind of criminal record, make sure it won't keep you from getting hired in your chosen state. they all have different rules, some don't care, some won't hire you if you have any kind of drug charges, some won't hire you if you have any kind of felony record at all, no matter what it was for.


Well-Known Member
if you have ANY kind of criminal record, make sure it won't keep you from getting hired in your chosen state. they all have different rules, some don't care, some won't hire you if you have any kind of drug charges, some won't hire you if you have any kind of felony record at all, no matter what it was for.
Depending on what, if any, criminal record it won't be a case of whether he can get employment in a specific state or with a specific company, but it could well be a case of whether he gets entry into the USA/Canada at all.

As I understand it, a drugs conviction can bar you from even entering either country.


Well-Known Member
Being from the U.K. it should be easier for you to emigrate to Canada as we are part of the common wealth (still easier to claim refugee status). As for going to the embassy to get a visa might be a different story when you tell them you want to look for a job in the cannabis industry probably going to get some funny looks. It is still Canadian policy to not allow a foreigner into the country to look for a job a Canadian can do. Would be much easier for you if you already had a job in place and it still wont be easy because you have to prove why you are qualified over a Canadian to do that job. I have a friend that came from Scotland and it was a two year process for him even with a sponsor. He even had to go to the length of proving he had X amount of dollars in his bank account before they would allow him to emigrate and he has a trade a valuable asset to the Canadian economy. All I am saying is that it is not an easy process and especially because of the industry you want to be involved in. Might be easier for you if you tried to make contact with somebody in the industry and try to organize a meeting and then come over as a visitor and potentially get a job that way. You will still need to go home and try to emigrate in the legal fashion but at least you will have a job to go to and your potential employer can help with the immigration process. Nothing is easy in life but all the more rewarding if you achieve your goal. Good luck my friend I hope it works out for you because Canada is one of the most beautiful country's in the world especially if you like the outdoors


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replay man.You are really helpful person.

Do you think its difficult to get a visa and move to Alaska ? For what reason shall i say i want to move in the US as im come from the EU ? iv read sonewhere that its difficult to get a viza if you aay you want to work in the cannabis industry.
Get a fulltime student visa. Come study horticulture.


Well-Known Member
Don't quit your regular job. Even though most of the kobs in the cannabis industry are low paying there are still hundreds of people applying for a single position. The jobs in the industry that have decent pay sometimes up to six figures like a Master Grower, General Manager, etc... are typically going to require a college degree, recent work history, and yes connections to get your foot in the door. Anyone can grow good weed but this is a business now and those with degree's in business, botany, chemistry, etc... are going to get the good jobs.

Trimmers and those working at dispensaries are not highly paid. In fact you could probably work full time as a bud trimmer and still qualify for government assistance. If I were you I'd wait for your country to become legal. Moving to another country to work in the cannabis industry is not a good idea unless you already have a job ready to go. Then there are the legalities. I don't know if you've noticed but immigrating to the United States is not as easy as it once was. You could be a UK citizen but if your of Middle Eastern, Pakistani, etc... decent then forget trying to move here.