a pot a day, with one spoon of sugar and one spoon of creamer per 20 oz cup.....don't know if it's good for me or not, but i know it's not good for everyone else if i don't get it
A pot a day?
Fecking lightweight. Between 2 of us we'll knock down 5 pots of fresh brewed caffeine, just a little skinny milk in mine and no sugar, and there is not even a noticeable effect on my blood pressure.
Coffee has been proven to provide health benefits, from adding vitamins and antioxidants into you to protecting against things like Alzheimers and Parkinsons, appears to help protect the liver, when not taken with sugar appears to help against Type 2, improves cognitive function, can reduce the risk of colorectal cancers, help with depression, the list goes on.
3-4 cups a day of PROPER coffee, not that instant or decaf shite, per day will do much more for you than "healthy" drinks like smoothies, fruit juices, etc.