Aussie Growers Thread

Black Widow from Mr Nice is the only real one the rest are knock offs or fgens
thanks just had a good read about it... looks tasty
Ok. Looks like I’ll be the only “loving” one there

Oh. That’s if I’m invited to the sausage fest!!
Your staying with me so I can protect you like a father protects his daughter lol
Plus I wouldn't want to sleep with any of then others they dont appeal to me :o
We could buy from the ozbong shop and just get it sent to somewhere in melb
Online smoke is another fairly decent website. Bought an OLS 50cm double mushroom perc billie from there. Was fkn awesome until I busted a hole in the base of it. Smoothest piece I ever owned. Especially with ice shoved in the neck. I've still got the fat cone piece from it too.