Civil Discourse

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Well thanks everyone, for another day of civil discourse. I think we had a decent discussion on legalizing marijuana. There are thoughts I did not have time to share today. I'm sure we'll return to the topic in the future. Thanks again. Keep em growing yall
Good question. I would get rid of most of the federal government and return those functions to the state and local level. The authorities of the US congress are laid out in article 1 section 8 of the US Constitution. I want to stick to those.

So a smaller master will bring you freedom ?
The fucker supposedly is into cannabis yet he can't go further than decriminalization. He's a fucking troll. A tool. A meat puppet.

If it's decriminalized, (completely) it would be freer than present state legal schemes, which "allow" people to have a few plants, but will jail you, steal your property and shoot your dog if they decide you have colored outside their permission lines.

Complete decriminalization, in the government butts completely the fuck out mode is congruent with equal rights.

All present legalization schemes are a form of unequal nanny state authoritarianism, where they say jump... and you
say "how high" ?

Meat puppet?

I think people should be able to discriminate if they want to.

Then you have no business living in the United States or calling yourself an American.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

You can't have that as your mission statement and in the same breath think discrimination should be legal. If that is how you think, move elsewhere as you simply have no business living in this country. Your thoughts are contrary to everything this nation was founded upon and stands for.
Then you have no business living in the United States or calling yourself an American.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

You can't have that as your mission statement and in the same breath think discrimination should be legal. If that is how you think, move elsewhere as you simply have no business living in this country. Your thoughts are contrary to everything this nation was founded upon and stands for.

So if SpinDoctor is racist, you want to kick him out of the country. Isn't that discrimination against those who discriminate, which means you have to kick yourself out too?
Ok, great topic today. I see everyone likes racially charged conversation.

A reminder, this is civil discourse. Today's topic: What is the cause of the violence in our cities? (And how can it be stopped?)
So if SpinDoctor is racist, you want to kick him out of the country. Isn't that discrimination against those who discriminate, which means you have to kick yourself out too?

That is not discrimination. That is called law enforcement. It is in fact discrimination that is illegal in this country. It has been since day one. It is, quite literally, why we went to war to become an independent nation. It is the first sentence of paragraph 2 of the Declaration of Independence.
Then you have no business living in the United States or calling yourself an American.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

You can't have that as your mission statement and in the same breath think discrimination should be legal. If that is how you think, move elsewhere as you simply have no business living in this country. Your thoughts are contrary to everything this nation was founded upon and stands for.
Folks could discriminate in the US for longer than they haven't been able to discriminate. I am anti discrimination personally, I just dont believe that forcing everyone else to act the same as I would is right.
That is not discrimination. That is called law enforcement. It is in fact discrimination that is illegal in this country. It has been since day one. It is, quite literally, why we went to war to become an independent nation. It is the first sentence of paragraph 2 of the Declaration of Independence.
I think we may be defining the word differently. I mean like the famous cake shop example or any example you can think of where a person is denied a service because of the beliefs or hate or idiocy of another person. I think it would be better to have the hateful people out in the open.
That is not discrimination. That is called law enforcement. It is in fact discrimination that is illegal in this country. It has been since day one. It is, quite literally, why we went to war to become an independent nation. It is the first sentence of paragraph 2 of the Declaration of Independence.

Do you mean slander? Because discrimination is you want on my baseball team, but you can't catch a ball so I don't let you play, because well, you suck making us lose. But if I know you have the name TacoMac that implies you're a race that like tacos, or you could be culturally appropriating your name. If I don't let you play based on your name implying race that's slander.

Everyone discriminates every second of the day. I give you googly eyes but I'm not your type, or I act too girly, too manly, etc. Then you deny my advances to get it on.That's discrimination.
Do you mean slander? Because discrimination is you want on my baseball team, but you can't catch a ball so I don't let you play, because well, you suck making us lose. But if I know you have the name TacoMac that implies you're a race that like tacos, or you could be culturally appropriating your name. If I don't let you play based on your name implying race that's slander.

Everyone discriminates every second of the day. I give you googly eyes but I'm not your type, or I act too girly, too manly, etc. Then you deny my advances to get it on.That's discrimination.

That is the most moronic argument I've ever seen. Really man...go back to school and learn what discrimination actually is.
Poverty and ignorance.It has been since day one.

The only way to stop it is a more equal distribution of wealth (a living wage) and education. Sadly, neither is a priority in this country and hasn't been, sadly, since day one.
Do you think it has something to do with the destruction of the family? Back in the 60s two parent families were normal in the black community. Now over 70 percent have no father in the home.
Do you think it has something to do with the destruction of the family? Back in the 60s two parent families were normal in the black community. Now over 70 percent have no father in the home.

That is a product of the dire straights that have always existed in the inner cities, especially after the end of the Civil War.

What you had were immigrants and after the war newly freed slaves that were completely uneducated and had nowhere to go, so they all flocked to the inner cities to take whatever jobs they could find. Being largely illiterate, most were taken advantage of and paid slave wages (literally in many cases).

What this led to was a situation of mass dire straights, which gave birth to mass crime to make ends meet.

It has never, ever changed. To this day, those born into poor families in the inner cities are stuck in the same trap that their fathers fathers fathers were born into. Until that is changed, it will remain the status quo of inner cities.
Do you think it has something to do with the destruction of the family? Back in the 60s two parent families were normal in the black community. Now over 70 percent have no father in the home.
I live in a white community and the dumbing down of kids is obvious ...all these folks home schooling their children and these parents didn't even complete high school or at best barely passed thanks to a GUD
So now their kids have zero social skills and no education and wonder why they can't find a good job
That is a product of the dire straights that have always existed in the inner cities, especially after the end of the Civil War.

What you had were immigrants and after the war newly freed slaves that were completely uneducated and had nowhere to go, so they all flocked to the inner cities to take whatever jobs they could find. Being largely illiterate, most were taken advantage of and paid slave wages (literally in many cases).

What this led to was a situation of mass dire straights, which gave birth to mass crime to make ends meet.

It has never, ever changed. To this day, those born into poor families in the inner cities are stuck in the same trap that their fathers fathers fathers were born into. Until that is changed, it will remain the status quo of inner cities.
One generation out of slavery, more blacks than whites got married, as a percentage of the population. In the 1890s, there were four public high schools in Washington D.C.; one black, the M Street School/Dunbar High School, and three white. In 1899, Dunbar averaged higher standardized test scores than students in two of the three white schools. In 1950, 72 percent of all black men and 81 percent of black women had been married. Every census from 1890 to 1950 showed that black labor force participation rates were higher than those of whites. Prior to the 1960s unemployment rate for black 16 and 17-year olds was under 10 percent. Before 1960, the number of teenage pregnancies had been decreasing; both poverty and dependency were declining, and black income was rising in both absolute and relative terms to white income. In 1965, 76.4 percent of black children were born to married women.
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