Civil Discourse

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Well-Known Member
Why do you have one set of standards for actual conflicts of interest and corruption for trump, yet a completely different set when it comes to imaginary scandals made up about Hillary clinton?

Were you aware that we can all see your obvious partisan leanings and desperation to excuse the guy who called nazis very fine people?
Maybe reference a news article or something, I don't follow.


Well-Known Member
Maybe reference a news article or something, I don't follow.
How many posts have you made about the illegality and corruption of the trump foundation?

Now, how many posts have you made accusing or insinuating the clinton foundation of illegality or corruption?

Now, which foundation is still open and doing great work, and which foundation is facing severe criminal charges?

Your honest answers to these easy questions should shine a light on your blatant double standards and partisan leanings in favor of a racist thief who rapes women


Well-Known Member
How many posts have you made about the illegality and corruption of the trump foundation?

Now, how many posts have you made accusing or insinuating the clinton foundation of illegality or corruption?

Now, which foundation is still open and doing great work, and which foundation is facing severe criminal charges?

Your honest answers to these easy questions should shine a light on your blatant double standards and partisan leanings in favor of a racist thief who rapes women
Only you can upset you. I do not have the ability to make you angry, only you do. I can only make myself angry.

Please feel free to give me the numbers if it will unburden you, I have no guess.


Well-Known Member
Only you can upset you. I do not have the ability to make you angry, only you do. I can only make myself angry.

Please feel free to give me the numbers if it will unburden you, I have no guess.
Why would I be upset about having so much evidence of your obvious partisan leanings for a racist thief who rapes women?


Well-Known Member
Why would I be upset about having so much evidence of your obvious partisan leanings for a racist thief who rapes women?
You seem a little upset, maybe I'm wrong. Do you see nothing a little weird about collecting evidence on fellow members?


Well-Known Member
You seem a little upset, maybe I'm wrong. Do you see nothing a little weird about collecting evidence on fellow members?
I just read your posts

Care to guess how many times you decried the clinton foundation based on made up Russian disinformation, and how many times you decried the trump foundation, which is embroiled in many very serious criminal charges as we speak?


Well-Known Member
I just read your posts

Care to guess how many times you decried the clinton foundation based on made up Russian disinformation, and how many times you decried the trump foundation, which is embroiled in many very serious criminal charges as we speak?
Curious choice of words then, type a word a cop might use...

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Nothing has engulfed me here. I have been busy all day. They are still posting and talking about me.

No one wronged me. Someone mentioned did wrong my friend and then got unreasonably mad at me for saying something about it on his website.

I didn’t cross any lines here. They did.
Whatever lol.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Please don't shoot me officer. I was only engaging in political discussion and did not mean to disparage the good name of Hillary Clinton. It won't happen again sir, could you possibly just give me a warning this time?
So do you think Trumps charity is to help others or himself?


Well-Known Member

You have stated that businesses should be allowed to deny service to gay people under the guise of “religious liberty”

That same farcical thinking would also allow denial of service to Jews and black people
Ya, and white people too. Get that hate out in the open.


Well-Known Member
5 pages of comments and no commentary on the democratic party platform or potential candidates. Just a lot of folks calling people racist. I guess realistically, that is the democrat party platform now. Calling people racist and being angry. We might as well declare victory. Any left leaning commentary that is not hysterical at the moment?


Well-Known Member
5 pages of comments and no commentary on the democratic party platform or potential candidates. Just a lot of folks calling people racist. I guess realistically, that is the democrat party platform now. Calling people racist and being angry. We might as well declare victory. Any left leaning commentary that is not hysterical at the moment?
Please be civil


Well-Known Member
5 pages of comments and no commentary on the democratic party platform or potential candidates. Just a lot of folks calling people racist. I guess realistically, that is the democrat party platform now. Calling people racist and being angry. We might as well declare victory. Any left leaning commentary that is not hysterical at the moment?

This is the edited and censored hysterical extreme fanatic left forum. It is hopeless for an open discussion.

I think both sides are a bunch of self promoting lying criminals.

And they have always been that way.

Why don’t we have a capitalist party? Oh yeah we have 2.
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