Civil Discourse

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please tell me all about how whites have been denied service in this nation to the point where they needed a book just to travel


Everybody needs "permission" to travel now. Equal oppression does not create freedom or protect freedom.

If you're talking about government schools, maybe you should be a little bit concerned about the confiscatory methods used to fund them. While you're at it, you should look into WHY government schools were implemented in the first place, Kaiser Wilhelm.

Would you use a gun to force a person to pay for your ideas, even if they preferred not to and were willing to leave you alone ?

LOL you do realize this was in 1807 right? Pretty sure the public school mandate has evolved over the years ...... wow.
As you sent three of your children to public schools.
Did it hurt or help them ? Did they go on to college and obtain a decent job/career ?

False dichotomy.

If a wrongly convicted prisoner goes on a hunger strike or consumes the food given him in prison, the question isn't whether he is "better off" eating the prison food versus a hunger strike.

The question is why is he STILL IN PRISON?

Your defense of your master is somewhat obsequious and reeks of ignorant servility...slave.
Apparently Russell means disagrees with you.


When I was in high school the classes were too easy but homework was just too time consuming. If I didn't finish in class it didn't get finished. I aced all my tests which is why I even passed at all. Plus they hated when I proved when their teaching was bullshit lies.

Once a teacher asked why I didn't do my homework, because then I'd've been their best student. I responded there's better use of one's time and asked in return, "what do you want to know which you don't think I know but should? I'll then go home and spend my time doing more productive things." I was told that's not the point of school.
When I was in high school the classes were too easy but homework was just too time consuming. If I didn't finish in class it didn't get finished. I aced all my tests which is why I even passed at all. Plus they hated when I proved when their teaching was bullshit lies.

Once a teacher asked why I didn't do my homework, because then I'd've been their best student. I responded there's better use of one's time and asked in return, "what do you want to know which you don't think I know but should? I'll then go home and spend my time doing more productive things." I was told that's not the point of school.


The purpose of government schools is instilling the idea that obedience is a virtue and to perpetuate a top down hierarchy held in place by mental conditioning via repetition. Like training a dog.
False dichotomy.

If a wrongly convicted prisoner goes on a hunger strike or consumes the food given him in prison, the question isn't whether he is "better off" eating the prison food versus a hunger strike.

The question is why is he STILL IN PRISON?

Your defense of your master is somewhat obsequious and reeks of ignorant servility...slave.
You sent your kids willingly to public school. They were not convicted. You awoke them every morning and sent them to public school for 12 years each. If you /they are not willing to give back the public education they received...PLEASE STFU. Thanks civilly
You sent your kids willingly to public school. They were not convicted. You awoke them every morning and sent them to public school for 12 years each. If you /they are not willing to give back the public education they received...PLEASE STFU. Thanks civilly

STFU does not become an argument when it is preceded by "please".

If you were ignorant of the effects of something you did, but then became aware that the "something" you had participated in was wrong, should you continue to throw virgins in the volcano or should you change your behavior ?
I support someone's right to discriminate. I would condemn them for doing so, but I support their right. Segregation was forced by the government, and as I said it disgusts me greatly. If you want to keep saying that i support racism or segregation, please refer back to this comment. That way I wont have to type it over and over.

but there is no RIGHT to discriminate. it's like feelings or versions of truth..they're not FACTS..they're just the subjective.
Again, I do not support discrimination. I support your right to discriminate. I support a babys right to not get killed before it is born.

the unborn do not have rights..if they did, the government would issue a Social Security card to them..babies are issued a number only after they are born.
but there is no RIGHT to discriminate. it's like feelings or versions of truth..they're not FACTS..they're just the subjective.


If people do not have the right to chose their own human associations for themselves, then it means that OTHER people have the right to make those choices for them, with or without the permission of the first person.

That is, self evidently an application of UNEQUAL rights.

I am personally opposed to people discriminating on the basis of race, but, I (nor anybody else) has the right to force people to associate or prevent those who wish to associate from doing so.

I will spare you the mathematical proof of what I just said, but it isn't subjective.
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