Well-Known Member
From what Seeds Bank it comes?
Great smoking paper, too (my favorite)...
I got mine from Sensible Seeds but the breeder is ACE seeds.
Too me "speedy" n "euphoric" are two diferent kinds of "highs"; I understand that you wants the two together (?)... In this case, n of course only talking about my experience, I will chose " Durban Punch" ( Durban Poison'70 X SouthAfrican Ciskei Highlands) by Tropical Seeds Co, or the green/golden geno of Panamá (but it is more speedy than euphoric) (Cannabiogen & A.C.E.).The green geno of Flo (DjShort) is efouric too, but lest speedy n with same indica influence.
Now Im growin Full Energy (Old Afghan Narrow X OldTimers Haze) n Extreme Haze (NL5/Haze, Haze geno X OldTimers Haze, green geno), both by Tropical Seeds, that have the fame of this kind of High, but I still havent smoked any...
I just crossed Durban from Sensi Seeds with Panama from ACE Seeds. My plan is to eventually grow some of these and cross with a Thai
before making a hybrid with Afghan Kush. But that's a couple years out before I get there. Already have a couple projects going.