Greenpoint seeds!!

I know it's common for people to use lemon juice or vinegar with baking soda for Bud washing, but it ends up just making salt in the end, just FYI. Any acid will react with the bicarbonates in baking soda leaving just sodium behind. It's some pretty basic chemistry that a lot of people missed apparently. So I would use either just lemon juice or vinegar mix with or without hydrogen peroxide and just give it a freshwater dip in another one or two buckets after that. That's what I have done in the past and did not notice anything out of the ordinary after it dried.

Otherwise just use salt and hydrogen peroxide because it's the same thing as lemon juice and baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and it's cheaper

To add to this you could also do a folier spray with micros. I've been doing a lot of reading and most of the bacillus strains are anti fungal in nature some even produce antibiotics as well. May be more of a preventative then a fix though.
I know it's common for people to use lemon juice or vinegar with baking soda for Bud washing, but it ends up just making salt in the end, just FYI. Any acid will react with the bicarbonates in baking soda leaving just sodium behind. It's some pretty basic chemistry that a lot of people missed apparently. So I would use either just lemon juice or vinegar mix with or without hydrogen peroxide and just give it a freshwater dip in another one or two buckets after that. That's what I have done in the past and did not notice anything out of the ordinary after it dried.

Otherwise just use salt and hydrogen peroxide because it's the same thing as lemon juice and baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and it's cheaper
Great point. I have wondered why it makes sense to combine lemon juice with baking soda when they each seem to have opposite effects that somewhat counteract each other. In fact, the previous recipe I used by someone claiming to be the inventor of the method did just this. You are the first person I've ever seen point this out. Thanks, and for always keeping the comments on track, @rikdabrick!

Can I ask, do you have a method or recipe for washing with hydrogen peroxide?
I have an O3 generator that I sometimes use indoors. Will kill all the spores and turn them brown, and any soft bodied insect. But you have to be careful with it. too much is not good. Makes the room smell like after a thunderstorm. Good for odor control too. That extra Oxygen molecule is looking for something to grab on to and neautralize it.
Outside is a roll of Mother Natures "dice'
I have already had 1 downpour of rain today. Sucks to be me well over 50% of the time. lol
I have to laugh or I would cry.


Those ozone machines can reek havoc on your plants so everyone knows. You can definitely use them on outs that go outside. It does destroy odor though not just mask it. I use it to kill smell sometimes after trimming and only if no live plants or buds are around.

I use to run ozone in the water bottling plant I ran. The generator would put out so much ozone that at the end of the day i had a migraine. I hated that job.

Yeah too much is horrible for your health and if you were getting migraines it was way too much. It causes headaches and all sorts of things.

Ask your mom.

Really, I'm not a dick but enough is enough. If you're offended, sorry not sorry?

I really dgaf!

While I understand your perspective this thread banter has produced a great wealth of solid info for growers in the past 400 pages. I think it would be nice if RIU forums had a way to simply search a thread for posts that have pics. This would help avoid a lot of the more useless stuff for those trying to breeze through.
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At the risk of sounding like a smartass (don't wanna be a buzzkill either) but the description for the new Gelato 33 x Star Dawg is actually just the description for Gelato33 no?

I've missed several pages in this thread this summer so I cant recall if these were sent out as testers or not. Has anyone grown this one out? Or is the 27+shipping the cost to test this strain?
Sooo, just so I can kinda hone in on what it is you're trying to say here.

You don't post grow reports/pics but feel others are obligated to? And if they don't, they're butthurt? o_O

Don't be such a cry baby. I'm sure in this 1300+ page thread you can find just about any info on GP you need.

I was legit done but I can't let this slide.

Comprehension isn't your strong point eh?

A) I said, I don't post pics.

B)I feel others are obligated to post relevant information that pertains to the threads title.

C) the people who are butt hurt are the ones who have taken offense to the truth.

No one is crying here bruh. Step off.

N I used to like you
At the risk of sounding like a smartass (don't wanna be a buzzkill either) but the description for the new Gelato 33 x Star Dawg is actually just the description for Gelato33 no?

I've missed several pages in this thread this summer so I cant recall if these were sent out as testers or not. Has anyone grown this one out? Or is the 27+shipping the cost to test this strain?

That seems to be the case. The pics are Gelato 33 as well thats why I was wondering where he got the grow description from but I guess thats Gelato too. I am sure they will be fire but untested fire.
Same here. First it was opiates. My state is/was ground zero for opiate abuse. If you know what state it is. Please dont post it. But its switched to meth. It's horrible here. We have a program through courts here called community corrections. Kinda like probation. Except you check in 5 days a week. Drug tested at random. Last year there was 1971 drug tests popped positive for meth. Theres only 634 people on the program in the two counties.
South East?
At the risk of sounding like a smartass (don't wanna be a buzzkill either) but the description for the new Gelato 33 x Star Dawg is actually just the description for Gelato33 no?

I've missed several pages in this thread this summer so I cant recall if these were sent out as testers or not. Has anyone grown this one out? Or is the 27+shipping the cost to test this strain?

Aren’t all his descriptions like this? General description of why the mom is so popular, and then a vague description of what the Stardawg might add to the cross. None of them read like they’ve been grown at all. The reason for that is quite obvious. They haven’t been. At least not before being sold, and even then they’re not being grown by Gu. Like he’s done many times before, his buyers are his testers.
Can I ask, do you have a method or recipe for washing with hydrogen peroxide?
Look up Jorge Cervantes H202 bath. I did a h202 bath recently too. I filled two buckets (each 5 gallon) with tap water, warmed it up to room temp(75) then put 6-8 oz h202 in one bucket and mixed that and the second bucket was plain tap water. In the h202 bucket I submerged the branches and gently stirred for about 2-3 minutes. Other videos say 10-30 sec. Its whatever. Then I take it out of the h202 bucket and put it gently into the plain water and gently mix that around and hang. I did this outside in the shade and there was a breeze. So by the time I was done with a rack I went to the first branch (that was no longer dripping with water) and began trimming because I like to do wet trims. Hope that helps.
I was legit done but I can't let this slide.

Comprehension isn't your strong point eh?

A) I said, I don't post pics.

B)I feel others are obligated to post relevant information that pertains to the threads title.

C) the people who are butt hurt are the ones who have taken offense to the truth.

No one is crying here bruh. Step off.

N I used to like you

No ones offended or butthurt "bruh". Just pointing out your condescending inflammatory posts, dripping with hypocrisy and entitlement are in no way relevant to the thread.
Great point. I have wondered why it makes sense to combine lemon juice with baking soda when they each seem to have opposite effects that somewhat counteract each other. In fact, the previous recipe I used by someone claiming to be the inventor of the method did just this. You are the first person I've ever seen point this out. Thanks, and for always keeping the comments on track, @rikdabrick!

Can I ask, do you have a method or recipe for washing with hydrogen peroxide?
When I was a kid, we would mix vinegar and baking soda in a pill bottle and put the lid on and the pressure would build up and shoot the cap
It creates co2 gas.
Aren’t all his descriptions like this? General description of why the mom is so popular, and then a vague description of what the Stardawg might add to the cross. None of them read like they’ve been grown at all. The reason for that is quite obvious. They haven’t been. At least not before being sold, and even then they’re not being grown by Gu. Like he’s done many times before, his buyers are his testers.

I haven't read all the GP descriptions but I'll admit that I do skip over anything that doesn't specify which cut was used for the mother. IMO, the Star Dawg he uses is a proven male and if the mother is something I'm interested in or I think it will pair well, I'll give it shot.
I have no idea if Gu grows out these seeds but if he did, I'm sure he'd do them justice. I've seen his grow skills in other forums...before he started up GP.

The description just kinda threw me because it shows Gelato 33 x Stardawg yet reads verbatim the Gelato33 from the web. I figured if its "in testing" there would be a little more to add to it. That's all.
I haven't read all the GP descriptions but I'll admit that I do skip over anything that doesn't specify which cut was used for the mother. IMO, the Star Dawg he uses is a proven male and if the mother is something I'm interested in or I think it will pair well, I'll give it shot.
I have no idea if Gu grows out these seeds but if he did, I'm sure he'd do them justice. I've seen his grow skills in other forums...before he started up GP.

The description just kinda threw me because it shows Gelato 33 x Stardawg yet reads verbatim the Gelato33 from the web. I figured if its "in testing" there would be a little more to add to it. That's all.

They honestly all read like that.

I truly do believe Gu doesn’t pop beans at all. I’m sure he did in the past, but I don’t think he does anymore. All his new strains have been untested when released. Any pictures of new strains are coming from his customers, not from him. All of his breeders, including his male, were bred and selected by someone else.
I’m an over kill kinda guy, and one thing that contributes to my success is a huge Dehumitifer, the more wet dry cycles you can introduce in the flowering period the bigger your plants will be,
Wow 30+ pages since I was here last.....

I'm sure GU loves that this thread is so active, but it's degenerated into trashhhhhh. It really is a shame, anyone looking for info on gps has to wade through all this bs light talk n now dog photos. Gu loves it though cause he selling to all of Riu by now lol.

Isn't there a socializing thread where y'all can banter n post your dog photos?

I'm sure you're all nice guys n mean well but cmon

feel free to block me,
I’ll do the same .