
OK it would't let me type anymore in the last box.

One report in the last 50 yrs---hoax or attention seeker, 10 reports in the last 50 yrs---still not believeable, 100 reports in the last 50 yrs---getting interesting, but there have been over 750 reports since March of THIS YEAR ALONE of UFO sightings in just the US. Add that to all the reports over the last 50 yrs, and with all the reported abductions, and I'm sure you will get some kind of astronomical number. Now your telling me that each and everyone of these people are seeing things that are not there, crazy, or whatever? I'm sure there are quite a few loons in there, but not every single one of these reports can be explained away so easily. Individual people are smart, the public as a whole is completely moronic, and it is people like you who influence this general way of thinking.

Ok. first off let me thank you for bringing your perspective to the table, and I must do the dad thing until I can reply to your whole post. I've quoted this one first as it is the easiest to respond to.

How many people see jesus every year? Or come to that, Elvis?

Maybe half of the people that claim alien encounters are loonies. The other half are either mistaken or believe in aliens so much that they just HAVE to see one. It's like going to a graveyard and looking for a ghost. Strain your eyes and you will make shapes in the darkness. Have a friend with you with similar atmosphere and bingo! 2 guys seeing the same ghost.
How many people see jesus every year? Or come to that, Elvis?

Nowhere close to the amount of UFO sightings. I agree some people see what they want, but not all of them. Even ex-president Jimmy Carter reported seeing a UFO. He said "It was the strangest thing I have ever seen."
The very first reported case of abduction was Sep. 19 1961 by Betty and Barney Hill. They described their abductors as "Small beings with whitish skin and cat like eyes". There have never been ANY reports of abductions by "little green men". That was 1950's Hollywood slang. Are you that old? Do your homework before blurting statements.

mall beings with whitish skin and large cat-like eyes all beings with whitish skin and l

I have done my homework. I've studied this folklore at some length. All manner of creatures have been seen. This is what I've found after a quick search (it has been some years since I researched this subject, at the time I even looked at pic's of some of these supposed aliens, and a link was made between what people were describing and the movies, this was in the library).

There are however cultural differences in perception of these reported incidents. The frightening "terror abduction" experience is reported mainly in the USA, while in the rest of the world, the ET encounters are said to be largely benevolent -- this apparent incongruity perhaps raising a question as to the phenomenon's origins.
As noted above, the so-called Greys are most popularly associated with abduction reports. Again, however, this seems to be a North American paradigm best-known since the 1980s. On the contrary, some researchers (such as Kevin D. Randle in his 1997 book, Faces Of The Visitors: An Illustrated Reference To Alien Contact) have noted a vast variety of alleged creatures have been reported in abduction accounts worldwide, with some of the alleged creatures not even described as humanoid.
See that is the thing. I'm not saying they come here for the sole purpose of abducting people. Yes, there probably are people out there trying to jump on the band wagon, but what about back in the day when there was no bandwagon? You think that Betty and Barney Hill just woke up on Sep 19, 1961 and said "Hey--Lets make up this story about how we got taken into a UFO and probed by aliens." I doubt that seeing as how there was no talk of that sort of thing back then. People who even mentioned the word UFO were criticised beyond belief.

The first sightings of ufo's go way back before 1961. There was a cave drawing found in china of some ufo's. The drawing is said to be around 40, 000 years old. Therefore making the sightings since caveman days like I first said.
Now for this one.

I was going to ignore you because you are very belligerant in your posts. You blurt your opinion and expect that everyone else is assenine for not believing the same thing. I asked you to the other site so we could do this, but you have provided a thread to do so in, so disregard the previous invitation.

I am not afraid of your questions, and I can answer just about anything you throw at me. If I cannot then I will say so. I don't pretend to know about things.

There is plenty to prove. I think that it is you sir, who is full of shit.:blsmoke:

Belligerant maybe, but as for believing everybody to be asinine that is completely untrue... at least, as a generalisation. The thread was already provided, I started this back in september 06.
I have done my homework. I've studied this folklore at some length. All manner of creatures have been seen. This is what I've found after a quick search (it has been some years since I researched this subject, at the time I even looked at pic's of some of these supposed aliens, and a link was made between what people were describing and the movies, this was in the library).

There are however cultural differences in perception of these reported incidents. The frightening "terror abduction" experience is reported mainly in the USA, while in the rest of the world, the ET encounters are said to be largely benevolent -- this apparent incongruity perhaps raising a question as to the phenomenon's origins.
As noted above, the so-called Greys are most popularly associated with abduction reports. Again, however, this seems to be a North American paradigm best-known since the 1980s. On the contrary, some researchers (such as Kevin D. Randle in his 1997 book, Faces Of The Visitors: An Illustrated Reference To Alien Contact) have noted a vast variety of alleged creatures have been reported in abduction accounts worldwide, with some of the alleged creatures not even described as humanoid.

This still does not change the fact that the first reported abduction case was made on Sep. 19 1961, and they reported the aliens as having "whitish skin and cat like eyes" If all you are going to do is copy and paste website info, I can do that too. We will be here forever. This also supports my previous statement that there are more than one type of aliens visiting us.:mrgreen:
The first sightings of ufo's go way back before 1961. There was a cave drawing found in china of some ufo's. The drawing is said to be around 40, 000 years old. Therefore making the sightings since caveman days like I first said.

Previous thread:

There is no real proof about ufo's being drawn by cavemen.

You said in the other thread that there was no proof of cavemen drawing pictures of UFO's. Now you are saying there is? I'm a little confused on YOUR perspective here. Also I said that was the first reported ABDUCTION. The sightings have been happening since the beginning of recorded history.
This still does not change the fact that the first reported abduction case was made on Sep. 19 1961, and they reported the aliens as having "whitish skin and cat like eyes" If all you are going to do is copy and paste website info, I can do that too. We will be here forever. This also supports my previous statement that there are more than one type of aliens visiting us.:mrgreen:

I copied and pasted as I needed to find something to support my claim that the alien encounters have changed to match modern perspectives. You certainly didn't accept it at face value.
Previous thread:

You said in the other thread that there was no proof of cavemen drawing pictures of UFO's. Now you are saying there is? I'm a little confused on YOUR perspective here. Also I said that was the first reported ABDUCTION. The sightings have been happening since the beginning of recorded history.

There is no real proof. Although the story is still out there.
Like I said I can copy and paste numerous things to support my claims as well. I accept everything at face value, and do not disagree with the article or whatever it is. I think the description mainly applies to the "fruitcake" reports as they have changed with the times. All-in-all though this article really supports us both.
This also supports my previous statement that there are more than one type of aliens visiting us.:mrgreen:

Right, so now we are being visited by different types of Aliens that only so many hundred people see every month.

If they are so powerful, why do they need to hide? The world doesn't all sleep at once... what about these aliens, do they ever get kidnapped by more superior aliens. They must. So these aliens just go around kidnapping each other for cruel and diverse experiments? Even as fiction that story would be unbelievable, there's no plot, no reason, no meaning...

So, these aliens that look like us and behave like us (according to these reports that you whole heartedly believe), yet they haven't advanced in the same way?

Different types of aliens, all with the same ethos? Not one of them is aggressive? Or maybe there's some type of inter galactic battle going on and our masters (the greys) are protecting us? Different types, as in more than two? Now you are just being ridiculous.
There is no real proof. Although the story is still out there.

There is no real proof of cavemen (per say) that drew aliens on the cave walls, but there are numerous drawings in Egypt, South America, and China that support the fact that aliens have been coming here for some time. Since we are copying and pasting and all, here you go:

In 1938, archeologist Chi Pu Tei discovered a strange alignment of graves in the Baian Kara Ula Mountains, near the Sino-Tibetan border. Also found were cave drawings illustrating beings wearing helmets, the stars, sun and moon. There were also reports of the discovery of small, frail skeletons with unusually large skulls. In 1962, a strange record-like disk found among the graves was translated by professor Tsum Um Nui. The translation tells an eerie tale of how a group of beings crash landed on the third planet in this star system approximately twelve thousand years ago. Repairs to their craft were appearently unsuccessful and so attempts were made to befriend the local mountain tribes. But instead, (out of fear) the beings were hunted down and killed for their nonhuman appearance.

The relevance of this story is the time in which the event was recorded. It was long before the influence of the government, tv and the media could corrupt information. They wrote simply what occured at the sight, for they had no knowledge we would find it centuries later. What reason would there be for the recording of an event that never happened, in a time when long distance communication would have been completely unheard of, let alone understood? The events described on the disk were more then likely recorded as best they understood of the circumstances. Here you will find a more detailed account of the event: Dropas Crash: 12,000 BC .
Like I said I can copy and paste numerous things to support my claims as well. I accept everything at face value, and do not disagree with the article or whatever it is. I think the description mainly applies to the "fruitcake" reports as they have changed with the times. All-in-all though this article really supports us both.

You didn't believe me when I said that people's depictions of these aliens has changed. You even told me to do my homework. I needed a different voice to my own to prove it to you as you wasn't listening to mine.
There is no real proof of cavemen (per say) that drew aliens on the cave walls, but there are numerous drawings in Egypt, South America, and China that support the fact that aliens have been coming here for some time. Since we are copying and pasting and all, here you go:

In 1938, archeologist Chi Pu Tei discovered a strange alignment of graves in the Baian Kara Ula Mountains, near the Sino-Tibetan border. Also found were cave drawings illustrating beings wearing helmets, the stars, sun and moon. There were also reports of the discovery of small, frail skeletons with unusually large skulls. In 1962, a strange record-like disk found among the graves was translated by professor Tsum Um Nui. The translation tells an eerie tale of how a group of beings crash landed on the third planet in this star system approximately twelve thousand years ago. Repairs to their craft were appearently unsuccessful and so attempts were made to befriend the local mountain tribes. But instead, (out of fear) the beings were hunted down and killed for their nonhuman appearance.

The relevance of this story is the time in which the event was recorded. It was long before the influence of the government, tv and the media could corrupt information. They wrote simply what occured at the sight, for they had no knowledge we would find it centuries later. What reason would there be for the recording of an event that never happened, in a time when long distance communication would have been completely unheard of, let alone understood? The events described on the disk were more then likely recorded as best they understood of the circumstances. Here you will find a more detailed account of the event: Dropas Crash: 12,000 BC .

So some guy has translated alien transcript? In 1962? LOL.
Right, so now we are being visited by different types of Aliens that only so many hundred people see every month.

If they are so powerful, why do they need to hide? The world doesn't all sleep at once... what about these aliens, do they ever get kidnapped by more superior aliens. They must. So these aliens just go around kidnapping each other for cruel and diverse experiments? Even as fiction that story would be unbelievable, there's no plot, no reason, no meaning...

So, these aliens that look like us and behave like us (according to these reports that you whole heartedly believe), yet they haven't advanced in the same way?

Different types of aliens, all with the same ethos? Not one of them is aggressive? Or maybe there's some type of inter galactic battle going on and our masters (the greys) are protecting us? Different types, as in more than two? Now you are just being ridiculous.

They hide to keep us ignorant and confused, or possibly to avoid being killed.I am not the only one claiming there are several types. The article you posted says the same thing I do.

As far as aliens abducting aliens.... I have no fucking clue. I can only speak as to what is reported on Earth. I have never been to the aliens planet, nor have I ever met one. Now it is you who is being ridiculous. I have no idea if they themselves are being abducted. You say no reason or meaning? Once again, they are not human. Your thought process does not apply to them.

Apparently they have advanced way beyond us. Who knows how they did it, or how long it took them.

Define "ethos" and I will respond to the last part.
You didn't believe me when I said that people's depictions of these aliens has changed. You even told me to do my homework. I needed a different voice to my own to prove it to you as you wasn't listening to mine.

I never said I agreed or disagreed. I simply stated that the first reported abductees described the "grays" as their captors. The "grays" did not become very popular until the 80's, as your article states.
Heres some more copy and paste for you:

Interpretations of Babylonian and Sumerian writings speak of how man's early history was greatly influenced by visitors from the twelth planet in our solar system. Ancient Sumerians called this planet Nibiru, while the Babylonians refer to it as Marduk. This implies to some that our solar system may contain a tenth planet, since the Sumerians counted the sun and moon also as heavenly bodies. In 1983, the Washington Post News Service reported, "A heavenly body, possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to earth that it might be part of this solar system, has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope called the Infrared Astronomical Observatory".

Zecharia Sitchen is one of less than 200 persons able to read the Sumerian language. He is the author of The Earth Chronicles and is responsible for much of the information available today regarding ancient Summerian text and Nibiru, also referred to as Planet X. His theories, derived from these ancient translations, state that this tenth planet came into our solar system about four billion years ago, demolishing another planet, which created the asteroid belt beyond Mars. Sitchen goes on to tell a tale of alien civil war and of colonization efforts on earth to include the creation of modern man. So it goes, a ruler named Alalu was overthrown and fled from Nibiru during a time when the planet was losing it's atmosphere and was dying. Gold found on earth was believed to be able to be used to stabilize the tenth planet. Hardships of the mining operations caused a revolt among the aliens and so they created "modern man", through the genetic manipulation of early humans, to provide labor. At some point, although with great disapproval, some aliens interbred with humans. Sitchen also states that the offspring of these human/alien affairs, are the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis 6:4 (some bible translators have concluded that the word Nephilim "designates ancient heroes who are the product of sexual union of heavenly beings and human women"). Then, around thirteen thousand years ago, the aliens realized that the return of their home world would cause widespread floods and tidal waves on earth. It was then decided to keep this from the humans and allow them to face the coming cataclysm. One alien broke the agreement and warned the human Noah of the impending disaster to come.

Native Americans tell a story of remarkable similarities, about the history of man. This story has its start on August 13, 1947, not long after the famous Roswell crash. Six Native Americans supposedly, came upon a smoldering metallic object in the New Mexico desert. Inside was an injured but very much alive alien being. For fear of the military's capture of the being, they decided to take the being home to care for it. To their amazement, the being was able to communicate images through the use of a small crystal device. Robert Morning Sky, grandson of one of the rescuers, tells the message of the being known to them as the "Star Elder". He claims that the beings name was Bak'Ti and that he has pieced together parts of man's early history from the teachings of the Star Elder. He states that the "Star People" have always been here, since the earth was a barren rock. It was indicated that there had been much involvement with the human species, some benevolent, some not, throughout our evolution. According to Morning Sky's Terra Papers, humans were created through DNA manipulation, to be used as workers for alien mining operations on earth. At one point, an alien leader and brother competed for control of earth and so the leader mixed some of his own DNA into the gene pool, making the humans his children, so to speak. Other DNA was introduced from a bird-like race of high emotions and soulfulness. Over time, two very different humans emerged. One, a docile, easily controlled human, and an emotional and intelligent human, soon to develop independent will. At one point, a fraction of aliens tried to destroy the willful humans by casting them into the wilderness to die and later to face the "Great Floods". However, the creator/leader managed to save a group of humans. Later, an alien leader named Ra, (perhaps the ancient sun god of the Egyptians) sought to eliminate all evidence of man's true history, in an effort to keep the humans ignorant and controllable. But, it is said that Ra lost to an alien race descended from reptiles, which might be known today as the "Greys" or perhaps the reptilians you sometimes hear about.