Civil Discourse

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He did not. The order was for offshore drilling.
"The Department of the Interior is pursuing an irresponsibly aggressive timeline for Arctic Refuge drilling that reflects the Trump administration's eagerness to turn over America's public lands to private industry for development," Jamie Williams, president of the Wilderness Society in Washington, D.C., said in a statement. "They are taking reckless shortcuts that are a terrible violation of public trust."
That was the one Obamma and company had put into effect so we would become more reliant on foreign nations
"By putting the fate of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in the hands of former oil industry lobbyist David Bernhardt, Secretary Zinke has made clear that this rushed environmental review process will be nothing more than a kangaroo court," Matt Lee-Ashley, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C., said in a statement.
"The Department of the Interior is pursuing an irresponsibly aggressive timeline for Arctic Refuge drilling that reflects the Trump administration's eagerness to turn over America's public lands to private industry for development," Jamie Williams, president of the Wilderness Society in Washington, D.C., said in a statement. "They are taking reckless shortcuts that are a terrible violation of public trust."
Is this referring to an executive order? I don't see any reference
I would like to learn more about today's topic but I'm apprehensive about being locked out of the thread as others have been for broaching topics that should not be broached here. Very confusing as to which thoughts are okay to communicate and which thoughts are over the line. If anyone can clarify the rules for me I would appreciate it as my interest is in remaining a member in good standing with ability to post in any thread that interests me.
Just a reminder, today's topic is:

Are the national parks a good idea? What are the biggest threats to our national parks?

So far everyone (including myself) thinks that the national parks are a good idea. Though we haven't heard from RobRoy the sasquatch non-statist.

So far the biggest threats we've identified are oil and gas companies. ANWR drilling seems to be the biggest sore spot.
I would like to learn more about today's topic but I'm apprehensive about being locked out of the thread as others have been for broaching topics that should not be broached here. Very confusing as to which thoughts are okay to communicate and which thoughts are over the line. If anyone can clarify the rules for me I would appreciate it as my interest is in remaining a member in good standing with ability to post in any thread that interests me.
Who got locked out?
Just a reminder, today's topic is:

Are the national parks a good idea? What are the biggest threats to our national parks?

So far everyone (including myself) thinks that the national parks are a good idea. Though we haven't heard from RobRoy the sasquatch non-statist.

So far the biggest threats we've identified are oil and gas companies. ANWR drilling seems to be the biggest sore spot.
Today's topic is: what's the use of civil discourse with somebody who doesn't know anything and just believes what they are told by Trump?

please be civil.
Today's topic is: what's the use of civil discourse with somebody who doesn't know anything and just believes what they are told by Trump?

please be civil.
Did you come here just to say that civil discourse is pointless? Feel free to comment on today's topic:

Are the national parks a good idea? What are the biggest threats to our national parks?
Did you come here just to say that civil discourse is pointless? Feel free to comment on today's topic:

Are the national parks a good idea? What are the biggest threats to our national parks?
The better discussion comes from the one we had yesterday. Why should anybody try to have a civil discussion with an ignoramus who just believes what right wing propaganda tells him to believe?
I would like to learn more about today's topic but I'm apprehensive about being locked out of the thread as others have been for broaching topics that should not be broached here. Very confusing as to which thoughts are okay to communicate and which thoughts are over the line. If anyone can clarify the rules for me I would appreciate it as my interest is in remaining a member in good standing with ability to post in any thread that interests me.
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