Do normal people use the term "monkey it up"?

I've never heard that phrase before. Ever.

I have heard:
  • acting like a bunch of monkeys (the mental image is the monkey cage at the zoo where everything is chaotic and loud)
  • monkeying around (same as above - just generally a chaotic, disorganized mess)
I've never heard "monkey this up" until this guy said it.
I've never heard that phrase before. Ever.

I have heard:
  • acting like a bunch of monkeys (the mental image is the monkey cage at the zoo where everything is chaotic and loud)
  • monkeying around (same as above - just generally a chaotic, disorganized mess)
I've never heard "monkey this up" until this guy said it.
Your second point is exactly how I understood it when he said it. Media and dems jumping on it and pulling the racist card. It’s getting old and quite frankly people are catching on to it.
There’s video of Obama using the term no one called him a racist. It was used in the same way denoting chaos.
don't know if the guy is a racist, made a freudian slip, or got tongue tied and said something he didn't actually intend to say. i find people's reactions to it more interesting than the statement itself.

sometimes it seems people are hyper sensitive to things. often, to things that don't apply to them. it's often implied in this general vicinity that EVERY white male in existence is a racist of some sort, (except the few making the assertions, of course, somehow, they're immune to the rampant racism that infects the rest of the world.)

why does it seem like the more entitled and privileged white guys are the ones that achieve enlightenment sooner? maybe it's because they have families that support them while they can sit on their ass and pretend to be enlightened, in the hope that it will some day actually happen?
Your second point is exactly how I understood it when he said it. Media and dems jumping on it and pulling the racist card. It’s getting old and quite frankly people are catching on to it.
There’s video of Obama using the term no one called him a racist. It was used in the same way denoting chaos.
You defend this obvious racist dog whistle and cry when you get called racist