Do normal people use the term "monkey it up"?

don't know if the guy is a racist, made a freudian slip, or got tongue tied and said something he didn't actually intend to say. i find people's reactions to it more interesting than the statement itself.

sometimes it seems people are hyper sensitive to things. often, to things that don't apply to them. it's often implied in this general vicinity that EVERY white male in existence is a racist of some sort, (except the few making the assertions, of course, somehow, they're immune to the rampant racism that infects the rest of the world.)

why does it seem like the more entitled and privileged white guys are the ones that achieve enlightenment sooner? maybe it's because they have families that support them while they can sit on their ass and pretend to be enlightened, in the hope that it will some day actually happen?
Wow, from your comment one would thing that color based racism in the US and white indignities against black and brown people is just a sore spot on liberal psyches.

Jon Stewart said it best here. The whole clip is great but most of it covers events from four years ago. Beginning at 8:00 and ending at 10:25, his timeless statements about white indignities towards people of color address why the "monkey" comment is so saddening.

I get it, Trump has dragged this country into the gutter where it's now OK for politicians to dust off race baiting as a political tactic. I'm sometimes surprised when some people who seemed rational fall for it.
You accuse constantly. You are correct rarely. And you sound more like a white racist than anyone for it.

I am being censored and locked out of threads because you are a spoiled baby. My punishments are specific to only you kid.

Sorry about your sad virtual existence.
It might have more to do with you making every thread you post in , about you ?
Came down like barrels of monkeys for sure. ;-)

We only had a brief power outage and a puddle in the basement.

But a town about 25 minutes away is leveled and still without power. Tornado unconfirmed.

Looks like it’s starting again tomorrow. Beautiful out today and yesterday though.
My area is a disaster.Confirmed EF1 directly through my property early Tuesday morning. Then the straight line winds Tuesday evening finished what the tornado didn't.
If you need firewood come on over and cut till your hearts content! Lol
Our county is still over 60% without power. They are estimating at least 5 more days before it's 100% restored. I'm happy to hear you all made out better.
We’re out here talking about the issues and you guys are out here pointing at skin color

You guys are cancer on america
Actually DeSantis was talking about issues how Florida needs to stay on its successful course and not throw it into chaos(monkey it up) by electing a socialist pushing socialist policies. The dems and media made it about skin color.
Dude no one ever says "monkey it up" unless to signal an alternative meaning
“Monkey around” for one denotes chaos. I took it as mess it up when I heard the entirety of the interview.

I’m on the outside looking in. I’m in Canada. The so called racists (all conservatives) from my point of view are the only ones not using race as a focal point for the argument. The left are using identity politics by accusing everyone else of being racists. And those who follow are dim witted enough to be placed in the perspective boxes and used for the lefts intended purposes.
“Monkey around” for one denotes chaos. I took it as mess it up when I heard the entirety of the interview.

I’m on the outside looking in. I’m in Canada. The so called racists (all conservatives) from my point of view are the only ones not using race as a focal point for the argument. The left are using identity politics by accusing everyone else of being racists. And those who follow are dim witted enough to be placed in the perspective boxes and used for the lefts intended purposes.
As much fun as this is I gotta quit monkeying around and get back to work.
Oh shit.
My area is a disaster.Confirmed EF1 directly through my property early Tuesday morning. Then the straight line winds Tuesday evening finished what the tornado didn't.
If you need firewood come on over and cut till your hearts content! Lol
Our county is still over 60% without power. They are estimating at least 5 more days before it's 100% restored. I'm happy to hear you all made out better.

Sorry man. Hope you and your family are ok.
My area is a disaster.Confirmed EF1 directly through my property early Tuesday morning. Then the straight line winds Tuesday evening finished what the tornado didn't.
If you need firewood come on over and cut till your hearts content! Lol
Our county is still over 60% without power. They are estimating at least 5 more days before it's 100% restored. I'm happy to hear you all made out better.
I think I'll paint my fence beige