When to force flower


Active Member
Was given a clone, said it was approx a month old, been growing under LED and has grown to about 19” above the pot. Guessing it’s now about 60 days in and a strain I was told was “King”. I’ll attach pics, maybe you can tell if I’m close or not. May thanks for any input. 81F4223B-0518-4659-B89D-58F61673500D.jpeg5147AA07-0EF2-4D99-B9CD-D481D7114953.jpeg



Well-Known Member
looks good! whenever you want! you could do it right now.
as a heads up your plant looks to have some extra nitrogen to me, (dark leaves, burnt tips) i would dial back the nutrient solution a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Looks good to go from this angle, remember it'll stretch 1.5 to 3 times it's height and add some width so you'll want to flip it fairly soon.


Active Member
looks good! whenever you want! you could do it right now.
as a heads up your plant looks to have some extra nitrogen to me, (dark leaves, burnt tips) i would dial back the nutrient solution a little bit.
Thanks for your reply, not seeing burnt tips, must of been the lighting. Think I’ve might have been over fertilizing it, Probably now is the time to buy flowering nutes, any suggestions? Other than changing lighting to12/12 is there anything else I need to do?


Well-Known Member
Probably now is the time to buy flowering nutes, any suggestions?
what kind of nutes are you using at the moment for veg? lots of manufacturers will have a counterpart for bloom nutes so you could use those if you'd like. in general plants require less nitrogen and relatively more potassium and phosphorous in flower.

Other than changing lighting to12/12 is there anything else I need to do?
nothing major. my suggestion is plants require strong light in flower. what type of light do you use? how close is it to your canopy?
you can also look up lollipopping. https://www.growweedeasy.com/lollipopping-cannabis-tutorial . i have found this increases my yield. pretty much just pruning the fan leaves to get more direct light to lower bud sites.


Active Member
Using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro, was suggested by person I got clone from. Got it on Amazon. Hadn’t gotten flowering nutes as I thought I was weeks from needing them.

Using 32”x32x50”” Topogrow tent with 600w (advertised) LED. Probably have 30” to the light.

Doesn’t sound that Lolipopping would be too difficult to try, I’ll check out the video, thanks


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I’ll flip it today, excited to see what happens next.
Looks healthy so should do well. First 2 weeks or so they'll go through the stretch phase. This is primarily vegetative growth while they start to transform and form small buds. I find they do better feeding them veg nutes during that time and switching to bloom nutes at around 12-15 days once the buds form.


Well-Known Member
I would flower it soon. Especially not knowing the genetics. I could be a 3x stretcher. Although I'm not sure what your light covers. Maybe wait 1-2 weeks.


Active Member
Ordered Bloom nutes, set the timer to 12/12, guess I’m on to the next step. Let my first bloom begin. Do I need to change watering/feeding.?

Thanks for the great information.


Well-Known Member
Ordered Bloom nutes, set the timer to 12/12, guess I’m on to the next step. Let my first bloom begin. Do I need to change watering/feeding.?

Thanks for the great information.
In a few days keep an eye on the watering, they'll start to take more and dry out faster as they stretch and get into flowering. Take it easy on the nutes, overdoing it can burn them quick and reduce your yields by locking them out. But most strains will demand a bit more in flowering as they get further in. Keep notes so you can track any issues back and use them for reference later to fine tune things.


Well-Known Member
In a few days keep an eye on the watering, they'll start to take more and dry out faster as they stretch and get into flowering. Keep notes so you can track any issues back and use them for reference later to fine tune things.
Excellent points. I was looking at notes of my first grow the other night and they all fit on one page. Ha. There are five dates listed for the entire grow with the plant measurements only. Real beneficial stuff!

Anyway, to add to your point of dryness ..dropping that light down a foot is also going to increase temp load on plant so its transpiration will increase just from that. Mo water, mo water..