

Well-Known Member
Hey Folks.... I guess this is going to be not one but two of the dimmest questions that you ever heard. And I don't mind being ribbed... so go ahead. :mrgreen:
Question? :idea:
1) Why can't you stick a bandaid on a hermie where the polon sacs are?
2) if you could stick a band aid on, then would it also stop it from seeding its own plant?
Like I said before, I'm not the brightest spark. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the reply.
I don't ( touch wood ) have hermies. It was just something that I was curious about.
Interesting to know about these things. :hump:.


Well-Known Member
TheThey are interesting plants.
In this pic you can see in the center is ayellow banana looking thing. Its a hermie.
You couldnt get a bandaid on it if you tried.
But its very easy to pluck it off. P10001451.JPG