sheetrock or wood to line the walls

Arrogant... absolutely
Dumbass... debatable.

It's not debatable when your suggesting it's easier for some1 with little construction experience to make clean/straight cuts on plywood. Drywall tape + mud covers bad cuts much better than a huge lump of caulk, also no need for a circular saw to cut drywall...

Mesh tape:wink:
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It's not debatable when your suggesting it's easier for some1 with little construction experience to make clean/straight cuts on plywood. Drywall tape + mud covers bad cuts much better than a huge lump of caulk, also no need for a circular saw to cut drywall...

Mesh tape:wink:


Also, 5/8” drywall is also cheaper and heavier than the same thickness of OSB or ply = better for sound isolation

Bottom line, it’s a lotta extra dicking around and cost to do ply for no good reason
Riiiiiiight, everyone knows all you need to build a grow room is a pair of pliers and a screw driver. Good luck with that.

No need for power tools for drywall, hammer/utility knife/pan + trowel/tape...
Thread isn't about building a whole grow-room, just wall-coverings.
Drywall is better, Good Luck with your extensive construction experience.:wall:
Wood shrinks + swells with humidity swings. The More You Know...
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No need for power tools for drywall, hammer/utility knife/pan + trowel/tape...
Thread isn't about building a whole grow-room, just wall-coverings.
Drywall is better, Good Luck with your extensive construction experience.:wall:
Wood shrinks + swells with humidity swings. The More You Know...
You so smart, sooooo if he is doing wall coverings would he not also be doing the rest of the grow room. Would he not have some proper tools to do so? Or should he build everything out of drywall?
As my signature indicates "Never, never ague with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Kindnug you win hands down. I bow now.
You so smart, sooooo if he is doing wall coverings would he not also be doing the rest of the grow room. Would he not have some proper tools to do so? Or should he build everything out of drywall?
As my signature indicates "Never, never ague with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Kindnug you win hands down. I bow now.

Read his post smart guy, he is only doing insulation + covering walls. Ignorance just flows through you.
I think where Gilligan and I might be getting hung up on this (at least me) is the look of the finished product.when I think of drywall and the mudding and taping,I'm thinking of a new contruction/ ready to move in home.where the joints/butts and corners have all had a tape coat or corner bead installed,then at least 3 more coats of mud put on top of that.each coat put on with a slightly larger mud knife or trowel making a wider band of mud,flaring it out so there is no mud build's pretty damn time consuming and tricky.op would certainly save time by just doing a tape would look like shit but I guess he could always put the film up.
But what is the difference of cutting sheetrock and plywood? It's going to be the same shape,why not screw plywood off with star head screws,caulk the small cracks and use expanding foam for the larger ones?paint it and be done,no mudding required.yes,he will have to get a circular saw and possibly a jigsaw for any outlets. Just seems like less steps to me.
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I prefer to mud + tape for flat surfaces, with 3-5 coats of kitchen +/or bath paint.
I use 20 minute mud, by the time it's mixed + applied it's halfway dry already.
I usually only need to mud ~3 times, maybe a skim coat for perfection.

+ if he were going to use panda-film or mylar it wouldn't even need mud or tape:wink:
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+ if he were going to use panda-film or mylar it wouldn't even need mud or tape:wink:

Yep. I think there’s a hangup on mud and tape. If they’re willing to look at painted OSB or ply, they’re not concerned about looks. So skip the mud and tape.
Yep. I think there’s a hangup on mud and tape. If they’re willing to look at painted OSB or ply, they’re not concerned about looks. So skip the mud and tape.
Hell if nothing I'd say use metal tape for the joints to ensure a good seal put up some panda or orca and call it a day.
As stated above 3/4" plywood allows you to screw anything to the walls anywhere. Works great. Paint it white with a kitchen or bathroom designated paint. Mildew control already mixed.
If the bathroom paint contains a mildewcide, and most do, it will start to kill anything green that touches it for any length of time. It's a lesson I learned the hard way.
man.. good on you for both (GREAT on you for your service and much respect!).. I will do it if I need to but am very happy to be very good with computers and have the career I do!
That’s what I do now since I’ve been out hell its what I did in the military. I’m a network engineer. Comptia certs pouring out of my ass along with Microsoft and Cisco. I have a degree in computer science and business. Lucky for me I get to work from home for myself managing close to 15 businesses atm.