Well certainly, I thought you'd never ask. I'll prove confiscatory taxes are a scam too.
Okay, you and I can't delegate a right we don't possess. That's self evident and only an idiot would question that Let's express that as a zero or 0.
You, nor I have any right to take things which don't belong to us, nobody does. That's universally known as theft when people do that. So, again let's express that as zero right to steal.
Since both you and I have ZERO right to commit theft, we can't combine that zero right with dozens or hundreds or thousands of other people (none of whom have any right to theft) and by changing what we call ourselves, ("government" ) somehow create something positive from the sum of all of our individual zeroes.
0 + 0 + 0 + 0 (ad finitum) will always come to zero. There's your mathematical proof that people have no ability to combine nonexistent rights exponentially and somehow come up with a positive sum, thus creating a right which none of them ever had.
I assume you understand rudimentary math ? I eagerly await your astute counter argument.