especially when you wore sweat pants to school. my typing teacher had a nice set of cans and she was single.Remember when you where 13? Constant boner. Even in the Marshall's dressing room.
TbonejackAnother enlightening response from Uncle Bucky.
Your lack of vocabulary indicates you are a drop out. Never finished did ya.
Dude go back and get your GED and learn some new words.
racistHands up, don't shoot was predicated on a lie. A lie proven false in court. Even Eric Holder and Former Pres. Obama couldn't make it real.
This lie also infected young minds, manifesting into an ugly movement called "black lives matter," Which believes that some "rich white prejudice boogie man" is a real thing and that "white privilege" exists. Or that hate groups like the KKK, The German American Bund, or the unorganized "neo-nazis" have some legitimate opinion or power in the US.
Bless you all.
White privilege is a Marxist conspiracy theory spouted by unreliable rags such as Mother Jones and other lefist propaganda hate groups, and is therefore a suspect theory.
Oh hi,Dropout
Because it bothers you, I'll just repeat the facts and let you become yet more bitter.FIFY
hilarious libel quote about me being alt-t-left white boi deleted shame.
Yeah, they shouldn't have done that. I think they were at first misguided and later radicalized to think a mass killing was justified. Of course they were wrong and their radical and false form of Islam is based upon false beliefs. The radical terror group which doesn't represent Islam will eventually be suppressed and wiped out when necessary..Oh, hey to you too!Tit for tat? Although I don't agree with that. But his incident alone has your alt-left DAESH guys though winning for years to come.
"On the evening of 14 July 2016, a 19-tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, resulting in the deaths of 86 people[2] and the injury of 458 others.[4] The driver was Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a Tunisian resident of France.[5][6] The attack ended following an exchange of gunfire, during which Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was shot and killed by police.
ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack, saying Lahouaiej-Bouhlel answered its "calls to target citizens of coalition nations that fight the Islamic State".
Because it bothers you, I'll just repeat the facts and let you become yet more bitter.
Black people, especially young men are being killed for no good reason by cops.
Memberships in the KKK, and other hate groups are growing and white supremacists finally have a president who supports their agenda. He even quotes from their websites.
White privilege does exist.
Cops have tremendous power to decide when to kill and the laws explicitly protect them when in exactly the same situation a civilian would be convicted.
You can deny facts all you like. The facts will remain even when you are gone.
Oh and,Oh, hey to you too!Tit for tat? Although I don't agree with that. But his incident alone has your alt-left DAESH guys though winning for years to come.
"On the evening of 14 July 2016, a 19-tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, resulting in the deaths of 86 people[2] and the injury of 458 others.[4] The driver was Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a Tunisian resident of France.[5][6] The attack ended following an exchange of gunfire, during which Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was shot and killed by police.
ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack, saying Lahouaiej-Bouhlel answered its "calls to target citizens of coalition nations that fight the Islamic State".
You guess wrong. We are not at all alike. I don't understand you and you don't understand me.I know this bothers you but us , "my side", whatever side that is, get spooked by brown cops who kill us lighter skined people, like many of us yellow shrimp dicked slant eyed rice slurpers you alt-left like to call people. When all she did was report a person screaming getting sexually assaulted. Reporting sexual assaults is being a rat, so ultimately she deserved it, right?. Guess brown cops just hate light skinned foreigner rats, aye mate?
Although I'm sure you'll cite how he's a great example of those fine Somali refugees who join the police just for the excuse of killing the white devil. Cause the only good white is a dead white?
"Officer Harrity, who unholstered his gun but did not fire it, told a supervisor later that “we both got spooked.” Neither officer’s body camera was turned on when the shot was fired, and there is no known video of the shooting.
Mr. Freeman said Officer Noor had no legitimate reason to shoot."
Source, very legit liberal rag.
Yeah, they shouldn't have done that. I think they were at first misguided and later radicalized to think a mass killing was justified. Of course they were wrong and their radical and false form of Islam is based upon false beliefs. The radical terror group which doesn't represent Islam will eventually be suppressed and wiped out when necessary..
See how easy that was?
So, why do Christian white supremacists get all angry and just drive their cars into crowds in the US?