Colin Kapernick is the face of Nike's Just do it campaign. Old white men burn shoes. Too funny

Worse than rape, genital mutilation, and torture? I'm sure those are way worse. Anyone who's been through that or had family and friends who survived those atrocities would look at you funnily, just like I am.
^^The argument you used here is a logical fallacy called a red herring.

A “red herring” is a distraction from the argument typically with some sentiment that seems to be relevant but isn’t really on-topic. Typically, the distraction sounds relevant but isn’t quite on-topic. This tactic is common when someone doesn’t like the current topic and wants to detour into something else instead, something easier or safer to address. Red herrings are typically related to the issue in question but aren’t quite relevant enough to be helpful. Instead of clarifying and focusing they confuse and distract.

Genital mutilation, torture and rape are all bad and wrong. That they are all terrible doesn't mean Kaepernick's reason for protesting cops killing people they are paid to protect is wrong. Your use of them to somehow discredit a valid protest against murder by cop for the offense of driving while black is foolish.

Your handbook for alt.right trolls needs to be updated because your logical fallacies, otherwise known as bad arguments are obvious and just make you look foolish.

The video below shows how a skilled propagandist uses this argument to win in the court of public opinion all the while knowing they are selling out.
And I would also add i never thought about it like this. Like black and white. I just always saw son and father.

His mom was a woman of colour too. And she was AWESOME. I wish she were still among us.
^^The argument you used here is a logical fallacy called a red herring.

A “red herring” is a distraction from the argument typically with some sentiment that seems to be relevant but isn’t really on-topic. Typically, the distraction sounds relevant but isn’t quite on-topic. This tactic is common when someone doesn’t like the current topic and wants to detour into something else instead, something easier or safer to address. Red herrings are typically related to the issue in question but aren’t quite relevant enough to be helpful. Instead of clarifying and focusing they confuse and distract.

Genital mutilation, torture and rape are all bad and wrong. That they are all terrible doesn't mean Kaepernick's reason for protesting cops killing people they are paid to protect is wrong. Your use of them to somehow discredit a valid protest against murder by cop for the offense of driving while black is foolish.

Your handbook for alt.right trolls needs to be updated because your logical fallacies, otherwise known as bad arguments are obvious and just make you look foolish.

The video below shows how a skilled propagandist uses this argument to win in the court of public opinion all the while knowing they are selling out.

I'm pretty sure cops beating and murdering all races constitutes torture. Division gets us nowhere. I recognise all people as equal, and only base my judgements upon their actions, like being a snooty lefty. Why don't you? Classification by any other means is done to divide us.
I'm pretty sure cops beating and murdering all races constitutes torture. Division gets us nowhere. I recognise all people as equal, and only base my judgements upon their actions, like being a snooty lefty..
No you don't.

Alt. right boy Your white robe is showing.
"Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything."