the facts.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Three replies to the same post. "Nope not triggered" at all! Kek.
Nope, just bored actually, taking a break from my poor liberal life that I blame others for, here’s a pic of the new dock I’m working on, just waiting on the next government cheque to buy rope to tie the boat too, you moron image.jpg lol. And your still here reading the posts so what’s your point incel? And again still no answers.


Well-Known Member
I already told you, banana boy, you've got no room to call another member "kek."

Just don't step on any spiders! :lol:

Sorry. :( But three posts. Even you must admit that's funny.

That's true. When buying bananas(and grapes) you need to worry about spiders. Just last week I shook a bunch and a spider fell out.


Well-Known Member
Nope, just bored actually, taking a break from my poor liberal life that I blame others for, here’s a pic of the new dock I’m working on, just waiting on the next government cheque to buy rope to tie the boat too, you moron View attachment 4195161 lol. And your still here reading the posts so what’s your point incel? And again still no answers.
Once I've written a few Buddhist propaganda speeches for my corporate sponsors, one can chill for a bit. The work tends to come in waves.

When two incels get together, does their hanky panky not count?

Good job on the dock.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Nope, just bored actually, taking a break from my poor liberal life that I blame others for, here’s a pic of the new dock I’m working on, just waiting on the next government cheque to buy rope to tie the boat too, you moron View attachment 4195161 lol. And your still here reading the posts so what’s your point incel? And again still no answers.
Sweet but if you want the right to understand it is a "gubment check"

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Once I've written a few Buddhist propaganda speeches for my corporate sponsors, one can chill for a bit. The work tends to come in waves.

When two incels get together, does their hanky panky not count?

Good job on the dock.
Nope, it counts as a cry fest about how women won’t talk to you because your creepy and ugly lol. Yes I guess out of desperation you could suck each other’s dick but I’m sure you’ve noticed it’s just not the same is it. Waves lol ya ok. Lots of calm waters huh. Did your trailer get damaged in the storm?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Sorry. :( But three posts. Even you must admit that's funny.

That's true. When buying bananas(and grapes) you need to worry about spiders. Just last week I shook a bunch and a spider fell out.
And yet again a reply to them ...... ya I’m the triggered one, moron.


Well-Known Member
At least I'm real. That post is 100% the truth. Otherwise you could've made one with actual substance. Truth hurts. Just deal with it.
Your "big word" post contained mundane points but I had no disagreement with what you said. I simply pointed out that people who unnecessarily use large words appear to others as joke shows. You responded with a meltdown in defense of the meaning of your statement, making yourself not only look stupid for your earlier statement but confirming that you are a needy bitch. Stick around, Buddha, I'm learning quite a bit about alt.right jerks like you. You aren't much liked but have some entertainment value.


Well-Known Member
Your "big word" post contained mundane points but I had no disagreement with what you said. I simply pointed out that people who unnecessarily use large words appear to others as joke shows. You responded with a meltdown in defense of the meaning of your statement, making yourself not only look stupid for your earlier statement but confirming that you are a needy bitch. Stick around, Buddha, I'm learning quite a bit about alt.right jerks like you. You aren't much liked but have some entertainment value.
You guys aren't jerks when you want to do to others the exact same thing you accuse and then redefine terms so you don't appear hypocrites to the mindless sheeple that parrot your revised bullshit?


Well-Known Member
You guys aren't jerks when you want to do to others the exact same thing you accuse and then redefine terms so you don't appear hypocrites to the mindless sheeple that parrot your revised bullshit?
What you just employed is another of your endless bad arguments. This one being the Strawman argument. In the straw man fallacy, someone attacks a position the opponent doesn’t really hold.

Straw man fallacies are a cheap and easy way to make one’s position look stronger than it is. Using this fallacy, opposing views are characterized as “non-starters,” lifeless, truthless, and wholly unreliable. By comparison, one’s own position will look better for it. You can imagine how straw man fallacies and ad hominems can occur together, demonizing opponents and discrediting their views.

This fallacy can be unethical if it’s done on purpose, deliberately mischaracterizing the opponent’s position for the sake of deceiving others.


Well-Known Member
What you just employed is another of your endless bad arguments. This one being the Strawman argument. In the straw man fallacy, someone attacks a position the opponent doesn’t really hold.

Straw man fallacies are a cheap and easy way to make one’s position look stronger than it is. Using this fallacy, opposing views are characterized as “non-starters,” lifeless, truthless, and wholly unreliable. By comparison, one’s own position will look better for it. You can imagine how straw man fallacies and ad hominems can occur together, demonizing opponents and discrediting their views.

This fallacy can be unethical if it’s done on purpose, deliberately mischaracterizing the opponent’s position for the sake of deceiving others.
Show me the gene which magically makes whites oppress the entire world that science has found?

Tell me how whites from skin color alone at birth makes them worthy of being despised and hated for that alone, but is redefined as "white privilege" and isn't being called for what it is, lefty extremist racism, according to the ultra lefty Oxford dictionary?

Then I will consede and even apologize, until then I'm not, you lying hypocritical racist lefty.

Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race.


Well-Known Member
Show me the gene which magically makes whites oppress the entire world that science has found?

Tell me how whites from skin color alone at birth makes them worthy of being despised and hated for that alone, but is redefined as "white privilege" and isn't being called for what it is, lefty extremist racism, according to the ultra lefty Oxford dictionary?

Then I will consede and even apologize, until then I'm not, you lying hypocritical racist lefty.

Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race.
Dunno, much like creationism it has yet to be proven, but I'm sure the trump era will be used as a case example in future studies of the matter.


Well-Known Member
Show me the gene which magically makes whites oppress the entire world that science has found?

Tell me how whites from skin color alone at birth makes them worthy of being despised and hated for that alone, but is redefined as "white privilege" and isn't being called for what it is, lefty extremist racism, according to the ultra lefty Oxford dictionary?

Then I will consede and even apologize, until then I'm not, you lying hypocritical racist lefty.

Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race.
Show me where I said it was genetic.


Well-Known Member
  1. The Moscow Ritz Carlton episode involving TRUMP reported above was confirmed by Source E, [REDACTED BY BUZZFEED NEWS], who said that s/he and several of the staff were aware of it at the time and subsequently. S/he believed it had happened in 2013. Source E provided an introduction for a company ethnic Russian operative to Source F, a female staffer at the hotel when TRUMP had stayed there, who also confirmed the story. Speaking separately in June 2016, Source B (the former top level Russian intelligence officer) asserted that TRUMP’s unorthodox behavior in Russia over the years had provided the authorities there with enough embarrassing material on the now Republican presidential candidate to be able to blackmail him if they so wished.