First time grower problems


Active Member
Hi, I recently 'acquired' some seeds of a friend who grows and I decided to plant them.
The problem is, that when the seedling appears above the soil, it doesn't have the two leaves at the top, its just a green stem.

This has happened to 3 of the seeds i've planted and I would like to know what I'm doing wrong.

thanks =]


Well-Known Member

Could you post some pics, that seems a little odd. Are you sure the bean just hasn't fallen off of the sprout?


Active Member

Could you post some pics, that seems a little odd. Are you sure the bean just hasn't fallen off of the sprout?

I know, i thought it was strange aswell.
I would post some pics, but I can't find my camera anywhere.
they are outside on my balcony, and I check on them everyday. all 3 seeds that I planted came above soil today, but none of them have the leaves. One of the stems is white as hell, and the other 2 are green with no leaves, and are kinda of like a U shape. As in, that theres a thin stem and then it jsut folds over.

what I am doing wrong?


Active Member
i have experience the same actually, that its just a stemp pointin upwards, jaja..
it actually just started growing the first sprouting leaves fine.. it just didn't have the little 2 baby leaves on it. hopefully its that, if not it may just roll over dried, only time will tell.


Active Member
i have experience the same actually, that its just a stemp pointin upwards, jaja..
it actually just started growing the first sprouting leaves fine.. it just didn't have the little 2 baby leaves on it. hopefully its that, if not it may just roll over dried, only time will tell.

ahhh okay. So, i should just leave them?
By the way, how often should I water the seedlings, and how much water?


Well-Known Member
For seedlings, make sure the soil is well saturated, and alowed to drain for about an hour before planting your bean.

After that you shouldn't need to water again for about 1 - 2 weeks. Depending on your growing enviroment.


Active Member
For seedlings, make sure the soil is well saturated, and alowed to drain for about an hour before planting your bean.

After that you shouldn't need to water again for about 1 - 2 weeks. Depending on your growing enviroment.

I'm growing on a balcony in the south of france. The weather is still pretty amazing, and my balcony see's the sun all day long. its like 34 degrees celcius (sorry I don't know my farenheits but i think its about 80-85 degrees)
during the day and at night its between about 18 -22 degrees.

I've been watering them a little bit everyday, because the soil looked dry as hell.


Active Member
just be checking on them to see if their dry, make a little hole with you finger softly into the soil, if its dry it needs watering. don't let them go without water too long, keep a watch regularly.


Active Member
just be checking on them to see if their dry, make a little hole with you finger softly into the soil, if its dry it needs watering. don't let them go without water too long, keep a watch regularly.

okay I will do.
I've just checked out one of my stems and theres, like an invisible fibre coming off the end thats out of the soil. I only know its there, because I went to touch it and felt it. To the naked eye its invisible yet I can feel it. wtf is it.
Sorry for all the questions, I just really want to grow my own pot.


Active Member
wow.. hmm, I don't remember seeing that.
hey man can you get some clean pics of the stems up?
that would be helpful man, see if I can help
what was you germinating process?
and well yeah, the other thing was bugs...
see what happens


Active Member
hey dude, I checked on the plants last night when I went for a smoke, the 'stems' as I was calling them had no root system, or maybe the stem was the root.
anyway, I've started germinating a seed indoors in my bottom draw in a small plant pot. I'll post some pics when it sprouts, because, im pretty sure its going to be a major f*ck up, and I'll be asking shit loads of questions.

thanks for your help =]


Well-Known Member
that invisible fibre thing is a little nuts bongsmilie.

Also if you want to grow your own pot that bad, I would highly recomend you check out the GrowFAQ.
Most questions can be answered there, and for those that can't then you can come ask the peeps.


Well-Known Member
you got cats they will do that to a seedling the only time ive ever seen what you are talking about cats love to eat your weed


Well-Known Member
just be checking on them to see if their dry, make a little hole with you finger softly into the soil, if its dry it needs watering. don't let them go without water too long, keep a watch regularly.

Also just to add to that. Most soil becomes Hydrophobic (repels or resists the absorption of water) when the moisture level of the soil drops to a certain point. Basically if the soil gets too dry the water doesn't soak in to the soil, and will roll down the sides of the planter.

Because of this, it is recommended that before you plant anything in dry soil, you need to re-hydrate the soil. The best way I have found is to fill up a sink or tub with enough water to submerge the pot w/soil in it about half way, or just under the soil line. The water will soak up through the bottom of the pot working its way up into the soil. Make sure that after its hydrated, that you let it drain for a while.

just my .02$


Active Member
you got cats they will do that to a seedling the only time ive ever seen what you are talking about cats love to eat your weed

nah i've got a dog.
he has a tendancy to piss on the plants outside, which is why most of my other none cannabis plants are all dead as fuck.
And hence why i've moved indoors for this one.
I reckon i've got another week or so before my new seed sprouts, and in this time I want to build myself a little grow room somewhere.
Any good ideas? I would put it in my wardrobe, but all my clothes are there, and seeing as in france, Cannabis is as illegal as Heroin, I can't risk walking around town with my shirts smelling like herb.


Well-Known Member
nah i've got a dog.but all my clothes are there, and seeing as in france, Cannabis is as illegal as Heroin, I can't risk walking around town with my shirts smelling like herb.
thats cazy shit man but i think it would be a wise choice to build a room before you start more plants i see a lot of this ppl excited to grow plant a seed then no grow room no plan nothing but a cfl a streatched plant thats ready to fall over i suggest getting a grow room figurd out b4 that seed sprouts so you can grow it proper :peace: