Different phenotype, or failed preflowering?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

I have plants 3 weeks into flowering and all I see are callyxes growing with 2 short red hooks coming out of them instead of a nice long set of white pistils. Im worried because I know the plants are female, but they have retracted pistils. Is this normal? Should i leave these plants another week? Do many plants not develop long pistils? Im just a bit worried, I dont want this grow into crap like my other grows.
P.S. When i look at the preflowers through a microscope I see these larvae bubble looking insects, can i kill them off during flowering, and how? Is this maybe the reason why I don't have nice pistils?




Well-Known Member
you have spider mites! anyone else who reads this and this person should FUCKING LEARN HOW TO GROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:evil:
hey first time grow guy thats why dude asked the question because he is trying to learn how to grow refuckinlax theirs no need for that attitude shit thats why the forum is here :cuss:


Well-Known Member
hey first time grow guy thats why dude asked the question because he is trying to learn how to grow refuckinlax theirs no need for that attitude shit thats why the forum is here :cuss:
no, the dumbass shoulda done some research before he started growin unless you wanted it all shitty..