Are my 5 week old plants getting enough lux? Is humidity an temp ok too?


Active Member
Just wondering if my plants are in a good environment for healthy growth? I know this won't be 100% accurate because it's a phone app but the humidity an temps are reading the same on my hygrometer. Gotta make do with this phone app till I get a propper meter. Also I've got my light at 400w set at 3ft above the canopy..I've tried lowering it before but always causes leaf curl/heat stress


My Name is Mike

Well-Known Member
Raise lux to 20055.00 and you'll be good.

No need to lower lights if they are hurting your plant, which you've stated they stressed it.

Temps and RH seem good. There's more to an environment than just that but so far from what you provided, you're good.


Well-Known Member
600w with digital ballast at exactly 4ft above canopy..I've found that lowering it results in leaf curl..rather be safe than sorry
You need your light about 18 inch away from the plants and if heat is an issue increase the air being extracted this will cool things down some..


Active Member
You need your light about 18 inch away from the plants and if heat is an issue increase the air being extracted this will cool things down some..
I'm new to growing so don't know everything yet but I'm pretty sure the light is too much for them at that hight with them only being 5 week old.. because at that distance the temp goes to 25 which is fine.. but the leaves still curl..I've got an a 5inch carbon filter with inline fat set up an 2 mini fans..but still end up getting leaf curl..since moving the light higher to 4ft this has completely stopped it and I'm also noticing decent growth each day


Well-Known Member
I'm new to growing so don't know everything yet but I'm pretty sure the light is too much for them at that hight with them only being 5 week old.. because at that distance the temp goes to 25 which is fine.. but the leaves still curl..I've got an a 5inch carbon filter with inline fat set up an 2 mini fans..but still end up getting leaf curl..since moving the light higher to 4ft this has completely stopped it and I'm also noticing decent growth each day
You may need to increase the air movement in the grow area, 18 inch is usually fine for a 600w hid light and peak distance imo.. leaf curl is usually heat stress but can also be caused by over watering and other things.. at 18 inch the radiant heat from the light should not feel too hot on the back of you hand at plant level. you want it just slightly warm. all leaves should be shimmering in the breeze if you understand.

when you get it right the leaves will almost point up at the light don't confuse this with leaf curl..

its all about trying thing out and finding what works for you but keep it simple is the best advise i could give...


Active Member
You need your light about 18 inch away from the plants and if heat is an issue increase the air being extracted this will cool things down some..
I'm going to be investing in another inline fan an some ducting soon an connecting the ducting to the wall vent leading down to the bottom port of my tent to bring fresh cool air in the dilemma is..there's only 1 vent so if I being cool air in from that vent and keep the tent zipped..would I be ok expelling the air out of the tent into the room that the tents in if I leave the door open ?


Active Member
You may need to increase the air movement in the grow area, 18 inch is usually fine for a 600w hid light and peak distance imo.. leaf curl is usually heat stress but can also be caused by over watering and other things.. at 18 inch the radiant heat from the light should not feel too hot on the back of you hand at plant level. you want it just slightly warm. all leaves should be shimmering in the breeze if you understand.

when you get it right the leaves will almost point up at the light don't confuse this with leaf curl..

its all about trying thing out and finding what works for you but keep it simple is the best advise i could give...
This post has helped me MASSIVELY!! I'm glad you mentioned the over I know for definate that I have been doing..well for the first 3 that's most likely what's wrong then isn't it? Because the light at 18 inch away still leaves the temp between 24-25 which is fine for cannabis to grow


Active Member
I'm going to be investing in another inline fan an some ducting soon an connecting the ducting to the wall vent leading down to the bottom port of my tent to bring fresh cool air in the dilemma is..there's only 1 vent so if I being cool air in from that vent and keep the tent zipped..would I be ok expelling the air out of the tent into the room that the tents in if I leave the door open ?
One point I forgot to mention actually.. the leaves are curling up not down.. does overwatering cause leaves to curl up? Thought it made the curl's a pic

