Your Relationship With Your Dealer


Well-Known Member
I think having a good relationship with your dealer is a must. Me and my last dealer were very good friends;) I could sit around her house all day smoking her pot. It was the life lol, but shit with women always goes bad so i had too split. My new guy and I are pretty tight too, ive known the guy for over 15 years however never knew he was a smoker/dealer untill a few months ago our kids play together we have BBQs, whenever he gets really good anything he give me a call before anyone else.

Now i dont deal with dealers that just stand on corners all day, never really thought that was cool

How about you?


Well-Known Member
my dealers are really starting to fuck up. Not answering...Raising prices because the sun goes down 2 hours earlier. Im done with em...I'll just have to be sober until my crop is finished.


Well-Known Member
I've been using the same distributor for 15 years. lol Damn, fuck I didn't realize it was that long. Maybe 5 times I hung with her.


Well-Known Member
my dealer and i went to the same high school, we played soccer together, hung out with the same group of about 10 guys, and i ended up living with him for a year. were still best friends and i love the kid like a brother. didnt pay for weed for a whole year either which was pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
i got my same shit from my guy for 7 years. it was as easy as a drive thru for fast food. after his cousin got pinched he quit for for 7 years but now........reunited and it feels so good(no homo lol). everyone of my friends but me owes him thousands but i always payed off my tab.


Asshole Patrol
I had the same dealer for about four years when I was buying... Great guy, the type of guy you would want to hang with if it weren't business. We would chill for a bit whenever we met up, but aside from that I could never see mixing business with pleasure. Always made sense to keep this at arms length, and for good reason in my case. He ended up getting hooked on meth, fucked me over once on cash, and never paid it back... End of story there, and I havent had to buy since.


Well-Known Member
my dealer is a really cool gang dude withe the most impressive system ive ever heard. sometimes he can be quite racially condescending and never invites me to his fiesta/parties but due to his lower iq he is easy to humble.

Hes quite faithful and is ALWAYS willing to help me out, even at the expense of his own family sometimes (which is why I tip him well) and hes almost always on time too.

I would take the death penalty before ever ratting him out.


Well-Known Member
damn koosh your avatar is wierd LOL
i know it lol. people on here last year would change their avatars with the holidays. i like october and halloween, i got a more friendly pimp one though.:-P also i cant help it, i am just a little out there nawwmean.:o


Well-Known Member
Where I live you get a dealer and after a year or so they get busted.

So they are ever changing ;)

It's good I guess.


Well-Known Member
Met my dealer,hooked up with her and moved in.Damn working a straight job along side someone slingin' is hard...we did go to Applebee's,the keg ETC every night for dinner and smoked a half O a I miss Golden Griddle breakfast hungover!!


Well-Known Member
i would rather call my hook up my friend because he was that before selling was put in his lap.

my friend cooks me dinner sometimes and best of all i am his guinea pig for new investments