Full blown hermie pick or rip ?!


Active Member
Can’t believe this shit, 13 days into flower everything was looking good up until yesterday turn lights on and see pollen sacs mixed with pistils , took it out the scrog and inside for closer inspection and the whole plant has full hermied every budsite is a mix of pollen sacs and pistils, don’t think this was environmental problem but genetics.

Seeds were from a stress hermied feminized plant. This plant was up to 5months in total now I gotta bin it.

Now I know I’m some cases you can pluck and keep an eye out only to some degree but is it worth it or is there anything these days that can be done to save it.

She was looking so healthy and good too...7D8AFD42-3A88-4ECD-9E7A-25F9A23B99E5.jpeg



Well-Known Member
Can’t believe this shit, 13 days into flower everything was looking good up until yesterday turn lights on and see pollen sacs mixed with pistils , took it out the scrog and inside for closer inspection and the whole plant has full hermied every budsite is a mix of pollen sacs and pistils, don’t think this was environmental problem but genetics.

Seeds were from a stress hermied feminized plant. This plant was up to 5months in total now I gotta bin it.

Now I know I’m some cases you can pluck and keep an eye out only to some degree but is it worth it or is there anything these days that can be done to save it.

She was looking so healthy and good too...View attachment 4196487

View attachment 4196488
Toss too many balls to pluck dailyif on every site.


Well-Known Member
Can’t believe this shit, 13 days into flower everything was looking good
up until yesterday turn lights on and see pollen sacs mixed with pistils

Seeds were from a stress hermied feminized plant.
This plant was up to 5months in total now I gotta bin it.

Now I know I’m some cases you can pluck and keep an eye out only to some degree
but is it worth it or is there anything these days that can be done to save it.

She was looking so healthy and good too...]
Believe it! 13 days in..yep sounds about right for a hermie.

sorry you put so many months into bunk seeds from a known stressed hermie plant. I mean, you should have expected a plant failure right?

there are some products that can stop the hermie in its tracks but its not worth it for this selection I think.
better luck next time


Active Member
Believe it! 13 days in..yep sounds about right for a hermie.

sorry you put so many months into bunk seeds from a known stressed hermie plant. I mean, you should have expected a plant failure right?

there are some products that can stop the hermie in its tracks but its not worth it for this selection I think.
better luck next time
Believe it! 13 days in..yep sounds about right for a hermie.

sorry you put so many months into bunk seeds from a known stressed hermie plant. I mean, you should have expected a plant failure right?

there are some products that can stop the hermie in its tracks but its not worth it for this selection I think.
better luck next time

Yeh I’ve looked at the reverse products but being in Australia there’s no chance I’ll get it in time , I have another one about a month old and just started to germinate 10 seeds lastnight .

I thought seeds from a stress hermied plant from feminized seeds should only have a 5% chance of hermieing? If I get the reverse products and spray my next batch of plants at the start of flower as it states then should that guarantee no Hermies next time around ?


Well-Known Member

Yeh I’ve looked at the reverse products but being in Australia there’s no chance I’ll get it in time , I have another one about a month old and just started to germinate 10 seeds lastnight .

I thought seeds from a stress hermied plant from feminized seeds should only have a 5% chance of hermieing? If I get the reverse products and spray my next batch of plants at the start of flower as it states then should that guarantee no Hermies next time around ?
Not sure of % stats but hermies make more hermies in my exp. dont know about product guarantees, but is this particular selection
really important to you or are quality seeds hard to get? just curious.
peace in Australia !

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Get some regular seeds and start all over. Femmed seeds are prone to this kind of thing but regs are not. Grow out a select female from regular seeds and then clone the shit out of her. This is the only way to guarantee your plants won't herm out. Then if you ever want more seeds just select a stinky smellin boy and cross it with a sexy lookin girlie or 2.


Well-Known Member
I'm letting a hermie finish right now. It's a bag seed plant that is 11 weeks into flowering. Plant spends all it's energy making seeds, buds will not swell. I will NEVER again deal with a hermie. This is the first and only time I will let one finish. Not worth the time, scrap and start a new run.


Active Member
Not sure of % stats but hermies make more hermies in my exp. dont know about product guarantees, but is this particular selection
really important to you or are quality seeds hard to get? just curious.
peace in Australia !
Laws are pretty fucked here, Australia is so behind in legalising it we only legalised medical marijuana a few months ago and I think that has heaps of restrictions. I possibly could try import some seeds but no doubt customs would seize them if found and don’t want that tracking back to me.

These seeds are from my first grow last year a late stress herm from light leaks during dark period ( was new to it and had it in garage at night with car driving in and out some nights and neighbours lights hitting it some nights) this time around built a grow room and respected the dark period was going good in flower, she had pre flowers after the first month in veg so was sure it was a female then that happened.

My other one from same seeds is about 25cm tall and has preflowers I’m hopeing I’m luckier with this one but I’ve put 10 more seeds into germination lastnight so aslong as 2 make it out of the 13 I’ll be happy.

Strain is unknown possibly super lemon haze and everyone that tried the last plant loved it and couldn’t wait for this one to be ready it’s really good potent smoke that’s why I want to keep trying with these seeds .

Here’s a pic of the one I got the seeds from after bottom branch stress hermied.


Well-Known Member
its not the seeds that bums me out with hermies....its the pollen. hopefully you'll get some usable stash. I wonder if this might be a candidate for a pre wash before harvest? some people do that as a rule and would rid pollen. just a thought.
good luck!


Active Member
its not the seeds that bums me out with hermies....its the pollen. hopefully you'll get some usable stash. I wonder if this might be a candidate for a pre wash before harvest? some people do that as a rule and would rid pollen. just a thought.
good luck!
I’m pretty sure I’m just going to end up binning this one, I couldn’t bare the thought of throwing it away that easy so i stripper the shit out of everything and removed all ballsacs from the remaining top flowering buds and I’m left with this haha , gonna keep an eye on it and let it finish up on its own without giving it much care cos let’s face it this things fucked

