north korea still has nukes


Well-Known Member
what Buck said:

Job numbers are the worst since 2011, wages are falling, healthcare and gas are skyrocketing, and billionaires are swimming in tax breaks while the working class gets $1.50 a week

Trumps economy sucks

Everyone fucking hates trump
Don't sell him short, we get more contaminants in our environment too!
A shorter life means you wont have to save for retirement, enjoy!


Well-Known Member
reminder: north korea still has nukes that they can land anywhere in america and there is no deal in place to get rid of them


Well-Known Member
Reminder: North Korea still has nukes that they can land anywhere in the United States and there is no deal or plan in place to get rid of them

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Reminder: North Korea still has nukes that they can land anywhere in the United States and there is no deal or plan in place to get rid of them
No Deal? But but Trumps just made a deal with The Devil/ Taliban.

America started a war on a lie, created the Talban, went to war against the Taliban due to an oil pipeline, Taliban is a bad bad bad group but thats ok cause you now have a deal with them.
And North Korea still has nukes
and you are imposing more tariffs on China despite saying you wouldn't.

America you guys need to change your govt and its agenda NOW!
Its no longer funny.


Well-Known Member
I'm quite sure that Russia and China are both far too pragmatic to hand out precision missile guidance technology to crazy little nuts prone to kicking at superpowers.
Not if they implanted a backdoor to control it if they wanted.
Well we need some way of reducing over population.
That might be the ultimate terror weapon; the threat to launch a bunch of missiles to medium orbital altitude and then explode into clouds of shrapnel. Enough material would remain in orbit to make any subsequent missions a deadly crapshoot with increasingly long odds, effectively shutting off access to the sky for all of humanity for generations or even centuries.
I don't think they could afford enough material to do more than be randomly dangerous in the volume of space.
You should read more books...

And considering NASA has dumped half the shit that's up there now, they should stfu about it, especially considering it is private industry that is taking the revolutionary steps in everything now.

How does NASA get people and supplies to ISS?
I don't think there has been enough activity to make a garbage patch in the sky.
What imported product do you personally need that has got you so worried? I got a guy stateside that makes great blow up dolls if you need his number.
And no one in the federal government stops this idiot from imposing a trade war? Where the fuck are the checks and balances?
In court.

so are most who does that leave?
The majority of the Dems today haven't been in power the last 50 years. The party keeps moving to being the closest political power the citizens of a nation have had in human history. As the wealthy (who happen to be white here) male agenda has been appropriated by the republican party over the last 50 years, the non-wealthy white male political power has slowly been building and learning how to govern since then. As long as democrats don't get sucked into voting in the loudest idiot and continue to want smart well meaning people we will keep moving forward (except for the periodic steps back to the wealthy white male agenda as a pushback to feeling forgotten) as a country.

why are you assuming that i get my news from msm? perhaps i watch and read a number of outlets, and try to draw conclusions from conflicting biased reports?
Add in understanding the difference between actual fact sources (like AP/Rueters) and opinion pieces that use some selective facts for their narrative and I agree completely.
If he promised that, he shouldn't have. Gotta a link for that promise? Politicians promise shit that they never fulfill. The fact you don't know this is . . . not surprising.
Trump flat out lies nonstop nothing he says matters anymore because of it. He will just spout nonsense from every direction so his cult can say no he said this! which may be true, but it is meaningless because before and after he will contradict what they said he said.
Trump supporters don't believe too, they just repeat whatever Trump says.
Owning libs. The people that are all in even though they know he is full of crap don't care. The religious welcome the end of the world, so they don't care because.. you know.. baby killers are on the other side.. The Nazi's he coddles might be the only ones that might be upset about this topic, but there was a black president last time so their minds have been lost for about 12 years now. The rest are so confused because the television news that they think is telling them everything are completely in a bubble and hear nothing that doesn't support the President (unless they watch Shepard Smith and maybe the Sunday Chris Wallace show the last few weeks).
Fixing this just seems so bleak.


Well-Known Member
North Korea is launching missiles again

North Korea still has nukes that they can land anywhere in the United States and there is no plan or deal in place to get rid of them

But dementia guy is getting big beautiful love letters as he legitimizes the dictator who murders his own people


Well-Known Member
North Korea is launching missiles again

North Korea still has nukes that they can land anywhere in the United States and there is no plan or deal in place to get rid of them

But dementia guy is getting big beautiful love letters as he legitimizes the dictator who murders his own people
He said Kim apologized for firing off missiles. And again he’s ignoring the intelligence agencies because he has a better feel of people. It’s his gut. All of it and there’s a lot of it.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member